Derive Macro former::orphan::FromComponents

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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A procedural macro to automatically derive the From<T> trait implementation for a struct, enabling instances of one type to be converted from instances of another type.

It is part of type-based forming approach which requires each field having an unique type. Each field of the target struct must be capable of being individually converted from the source type T. This macro simplifies the implementation of type conversions, particularly useful for constructing a struct from another type with compatible fields. The source type T must implement Into< FieldType > for each field type of the target struct.


  • debug: Optional. Enables debug printing during macro expansion.


  • Available only when the feature flags enabled and derive_from_components are activated in your Cargo.toml. It’s activated by default.


Given the structs Options1 and Options2, where Options2 is a subset of Options1:

use former::FromComponents;

#[ derive( Debug, Default, PartialEq ) ]
pub struct Options1
  field1 : i32,
  field2 : String,
  field3 : f32,

impl From< &Options1 > for i32
  #[ inline( always ) ]
  fn from( src : &Options1 ) -> Self

impl From< &Options1 > for String
  #[ inline( always ) ]
  fn from( src : &Options1 ) -> Self

impl From< &Options1 > for f32
  #[ inline( always ) ]
  fn from( src : &Options1 ) -> Self

#[ derive( Debug, Default, PartialEq, FromComponents ) ]
pub struct Options2
  field1 : i32,
  field2 : String,

let o1 = Options1 { field1 : 42, field2 : "Hello, world!".to_string(), field3 : 13.01 };

// Demonstrating conversion from Options1 to Options2
let o2 : Options2 = Into::< Options2 >::into( &o1 );
let expected = Options2 { field1 : 42, field2 : "Hello, world!".to_string() };
assert_eq!( o2, expected );

// Alternative way using `.into()`
let o2 : Options2 = ( &o1 ).into();
assert_eq!( o2, expected );

// Alternative way using `.from()`
let o2 = Options2::from( &o1 );
assert_eq!( o2, expected );

This demonstrates how Options2 can be derived from Options1 using the FromComponents macro, automatically generating the necessary From< &Options1 > implementation for Options2, facilitating an easy conversion between these types based on their compatible fields.