Derive Macro former::ComponentAssign

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derives the ComponentAssign trait for struct fields, allowing each field to be set with a value that can be converted into the field’s type.

This macro facilitates the automatic implementation of the ComponentAssign trait for all fields within a struct, leveraging the power of Rust’s type system to ensure type safety and conversion logic. It is particularly useful for builder patterns or mutating instances of data structures in a fluent and ergonomic manner.


  • debug : An optional attribute to enable debugging of the trait derivation process.


  • This macro is only enabled when the derive_component_assign feature is active in your Cargo.toml.

§Input Code Example

Given a struct definition annotated with #[ derive( ComponentAssign ) ] :

use former::ComponentAssign;

#[ derive( Default, PartialEq, Debug, former::ComponentAssign ) ]
struct Person
  age : i32,
  name : String,

let mut person : Person = Default::default();
person.assign( 13 );
person.assign( "John" );
assert_eq!( person, Person { age : 13, name : "John".to_string() } );

§Generated Code Example

The procedural macro generates the following implementations for Person :

use former::ComponentAssign;

#[ derive( Default, PartialEq, Debug ) ]
struct Person
  age : i32,
  name : String,

impl< IntoT > ComponentAssign< i32, IntoT > for Person
  IntoT : Into< i32 >,
  fn assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
    self.age = component.into();

impl< IntoT > ComponentAssign< String, IntoT > for Person
  IntoT : Into< String >,
  fn assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
  { = component.into();

let mut person : Person = Default::default();
person.assign( 13 );
person.assign( "John" );
assert_eq!( person, Person { age : 13, name : "John".to_string() } );

This allows any type that can be converted into an i32 or String to be set as the value of the age or name fields of Person instances, respectively.