form-checker 0.2.2

A library for Web developers to check the values from a submitted form or a query string.
# form-checker-rs

A library for Web developers to check the values from a submitted form or a query string. 

## Install

# Cargo.toml
form-checker = "0.2"

## Example

extern crate form_checker;

use form_checker::{Validator, Checker, Rule, Str, I64};

fn main() {
    // Prepare params, this is just for illustrating. Usually, we get
    // params through decoding a URL-encoded string into a
    // HashMap<String, Vec<String>>.
    let mut params = std::collections::HashMap::new();
    params.insert("name".to_string(), vec!["bob".to_string()]);
    params.insert("age".to_string(), vec!["20".to_string()]);
    // Make a new Validator.
    let mut validator = Validator::new();
    // Add Checkers to Validator.
        .check(Checker::new("name", "姓名", Str)
        .check(Checker::new("age", "年龄", I64)
    // Validate it!
    // Decide whether it is valid.
    // Show me the valid data, assuming it is valid.
    assert_eq!(validator.get_required("name").as_str().unwrap(), "bob".to_string());
    assert_eq!(validator.get_required("age").as_i64().unwrap(), 20);

## [Full Documentation]

## License

`form-checker-rs` is primarily distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

See LICENSE-MIT for details.