forgery-detection-zero 0.3.0

JPEG grid detector applied to forgery detection in digital images


An implementation of ZERO: a JPEG grid detector applied to forgery detection in digital images.

The approach is described in the following paper:

Tina Nikoukhah, Jérémy Anger, Miguel Colom, Jean-Michel Morel, and Rafael Grompone von Gioi,
ZERO: a Local JPEG Grid Origin Detector Based on the Number of DCT Zeros and its Applications in Image Forensics,
Image Processing On Line, 11 (2021), pp. 396–433.

The original implementation is written in C.

Library example

Simple usage:

# use forgery_detection_zero::Zero;
# let jpeg = todo!();
for r in Zero::from_image(&jpeg).into_iter() {
        "Forged region detected: from ({}, {}) to ({}, {})",
        r.start.0, r.start.1, r.end.0, r.end.1,

More advanced usage:

# use forgery_detection_zero::Zero;
# let jpeg = todo!();
let foreign_grid_areas = Zero::from_image(&jpeg).detect_forgeries();
let missing_grid_areas = foreign_grid_areas
let forged_regions = foreign_grid_areas
for r in forged_regions {
        "Forged region detected: from ({}, {}) to ({}, {})",
        r.start.0, r.start.1, r.end.0, r.end.1,

CLI example

You can use the example to generate the forgery masks of an image:

cargo r --release --example zero image.jpg