fontup 0.1.0

A cross-platform command line application that makes installing and uninstalling fonts a blast!
fontup-0.1.0 is not a library.

🚀 FontUp 🚀

Build License: MIT

FontUp is a cross-platform command line application that makes installing and uninstalling fonts a blast! 🌬️

🌟 Features 🌟

  • Install and uninstall fonts on both Unix-like and Windows systems. 🖥️
  • Temporary font installation and uninstallation on Windows. ⏳
  • Error checking to ensure fonts are installed and uninstalled correctly. ✔️

🛠️ Usage 🛠️

First, add FontUp to your Cargo.toml:

fontup = "0.1.0"

📥 Install Fonts 📥

Use the --install argument to specify one or more font files that you want to install. You can provide multiple files by separating them with spaces.

📝 Note: Use quotes if your file paths include spaces.

fontup --install /path/to/font1.ttf /path/to/font2.ttf

This will install the fonts located at /path/to/font1.ttf and /path/to/font2.ttf.

📤 Uninstall Fonts 📤

The --uninstall argument is used to specify one or more font files that you want to uninstall. You can provide multiple files by separating them with spaces.

fontup --uninstall /path/to/font1.ttf /path/to/font2.ttf

This will uninstall the fonts located at /path/to/font1.ttf and /path/to/font2.ttf.

⏱️ Temporary Installation ⏱️

📝 Note: This is a Windows only feature.

The --temp is a boolean flag that indicates whether font installation is temporary. Once your system reboots the font will be automagically removed.

fontup --install /path/to/font1.ttf --temp
fontup --uninstall /path/to/font1.ttf --temp

🙏 Acknowledgements 🙏

This project uses the Fira Code font, which is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.

📜 License 📜

The MIT License (MIT). See License File for more information.