fontdue 0.2.1

A simple no_std font parser and rasterizer.


Documentation Documentation License

Fontdue is a simple, no_std, pure Rust, truetype font parser and rasterizer. It aims to support all valid (unicode encoded) TrueType fonts correctly, and strives to make interacting with fonts as fast as possible. This includes: layout and rasterization.

A non-goal of this library is to be allocation free and have a fast, "zero cost" initial load. This library does make allocations and depends on the alloc crate. Fonts are fully parsed on creation and relevant information is stored in a more convenient to access format. Unlike other font libraries, the font structures have no lifetime dependencies since it allocates its own space.

Ideally, font loading should be faster in the future, but making the loading process correct and readable was the initial priority.

Important Notices


Please bear with me on new features or quirks that you find. I will definitely get to issues you open (also thank you for opening them), but I don't have as much time as I would like to work on fontdue so please be paitent, this is a mostly solo project <3.

Reusing Fontdue code

Please don't reuse Fontdue's raster code directly in your project. Fontdue uses unsafe code in the rasterizer, and the rasterizer itself is very not safe to use on its own with un-sanitized input.

If you're looking to reuse that code in your project (with the appropriate licensing and attribution), please be aware of the effort that went into making it safe. Fontdue itself does not expose the raw raster in its API because it performs the necessary sanitization to use it safely for you, and has been fuzzed for bugs in the process.

TrueType Table Support

  • cmap Character to glyph mapping (Unicode only)
    • Supported formats: 0, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13
    • Unsupported formats: 2, 8, 14
  • glyf Glyph outlining
    • Unsupported features: Compound glyph matched points, compound glyph scaled offset
  • head General font information
  • hhea General horizontal layout (Optional)
  • hmtx Glyph horizontal layout (Optional)
  • vhea General vertical layout (Optional)
  • vmtx Glyph vertical layout (Optional)
  • loca Glyph outline offsets and lengths
  • maxp Maximum values used for the font
  • kern Kerning pair layout (Optional)
    • Supported formats: 0
    • Unsupported formats: 1, 2, 3


Glyph Rasterization

// Read the font data.
let font = include_bytes!("../resources/Roboto-Regular.ttf") as &[u8];
// Parse it into the font type.
let font = fontdue::Font::from_bytes(font, fontdue::FontSettings::default()).unwrap();
// Rasterize and get the layout metrics for the letter 'g' at 17px.
let (metrics, bitmap) = font.rasterize('g', 17.0);


// Read the font data.
let font = include_bytes!("../resources/Roboto-Regular.ttf") as &[u8];
// Parse it into the font type.
let roboto_regular = fontdue::Font::from_bytes(font, fontdue::FontSettings::default()).unwrap();
// Create a layout context. This stores transient state needed to layout text.
// Laying out text needs some heap allocations; reusing this context reduces the need to reallocate space.
let mut layout = Layout::new();
// The vector where the glyphs positional information will be written to. This vec is cleared before it's written to.
let mut output = Vec::new();
// Various settings for laying out the text, such as alignment and wrapping settings.
let settings = LayoutSettings {
// The list of fonts that will be used during layout.
let fonts = &[roboto_regular];
// The text that will be laid out, its size, and the index of the font in the font list to use for that section of text.
let styles = &[
    &TextStyle::new("Hello ", 35.0, 0),
    &TextStyle::new("world!", 40.0, 0),
// Calculate the layout.
layout.layout_horizontal(fonts, styles, &settings, &mut output);


Metrics + Rasterize

This benchmark measures the time it takes to generate the glyph metrics and bitmap for the letter 'g' over a range of sizes. This is using the idiomatic APIs for both rusttype (link) and fontdue, and represents realworld performance. rusttype and glyph_brush (link) uses ab_glyph (link) as its rasterizer which is a clone of font-rs (link). This benchmarks is also representative of glyph_brush performance. Older versions of rusttype use a naive rasterizer that's roughly 10x slower than fontdue.

rusttype 0.9.2 metrics + rasterize 'g'/20 time: [2.6128 us 2.6150 us 2.6171 us]
rusttype 0.9.2 metrics + rasterize 'g'/40 time: [4.3557 us 4.3595 us 4.3636 us]
rusttype 0.9.2 metrics + rasterize 'g'/60 time: [6.7007 us 6.7073 us 6.7140 us]
rusttype 0.9.2 metrics + rasterize 'g'/80 time: [10.021 us 10.031 us 10.040 us]

fontdue latest metrics + rasterize 'g'/20 time: [0.8599 us 0.8608 us 0.8619 us]
fontdue latest metrics + rasterize 'g'/40 time: [1.3236 us 1.3254 us 1.3277 us]
fontdue latest metrics + rasterize 'g'/60 time: [1.9306 us 1.9342 us 1.9385 us]
fontdue latest metrics + rasterize 'g'/80 time: [2.6937 us 2.6988 us 2.7051 us]

Rich Layout

This benchmark measures the time it takes to layout 300 characters of sample text with wrapping on word boundaries. This is using the idiomatic APIs for both glyph_brush_layout (link) and fontdue, and represents realword performance.

glyph_brush_layout 0.2.0 layout time: [40.051 us 40.133 us 40.224 us]

fontdue latest layout time:           [6.6665 us 6.6718 us 6.6777 us]


Fontdue started as a slightly more production ready wrapper around font-rs (link) because of how fast it made rasterization look, and how simple the wonderful rusttype (link) crate made font parsing look. Since then, I've done a few rewrites on the raster and it no longer shares any code or methodology to font-rs, but I feel like it still deservers some attribution. Instead of attempting to find the converage of a pixel, fontdue performs pseudo ray tracing collision detection on the geometry of the glyph with the pixel grid and estimates the shading.