font8x8 0.1.2

8x8 monochrome bitmap font for rendering.

8x8 monochrome bitmap font for rendering. Implemented in Rust. docs

A collection of unicode characters in a 8x8 bitmap font.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

font8x8 = "0.1"

Then you can use it with your crate:

extern crate font8x8

use font8x8::BASIC;    // U+0000 - U+007F
use font8x8::CONTROL;  // U+0080 - U+009F
use font8x8::LATIN;    // U+00A0 - U+00FF

use font8x8::BOX;      // U+2500 - U+257F
use font8x8::BLOCK;    // U+2580 - U+259F
use font8x8::HIRAGANA; // U+3040 - U+309F
use font8x8::GREEK;    // U+0390 - U+039C

use font8x8::MISC;     // U+20A7, U+0192, U+00AA, U+00BA,
                       // U+2310, U+2264, U+2265, U+0060,
                       // U+1EF2, U+1EF3

use font8x8::SGA;      // U+E541 - U+E55A


To generate the crate's documentation, you can use:

cargo doc -p font8x8 --no-deps --open

from the terminal.

It's highly recommended that you inspect the docs for each constant, as there is a listing of the included characters. Better yet, dive into the source, it's pretty straightforward.


Decoding and printing to screen

Let's say we want to print out the first character belonging to the greek subset. In this case, it corresponds to the unicode U+0390 described as iota with tonos and diaeresis, and we will retrieve it from the GREEK constant provided by our library.

Specifically, we will be working with GREEK[0], which is an array of bytes with capacity for eight separate bytes ([u8; 8]).

Here's a program that will print the character to your terminal, by parsing each byte of the array, inspecting it bit by bit, and printing an empty space " " for 0, and "█" for 1.

extern crate font8x8;

use font8x8::GREEK;

fn main() {
    for x in &GREEK[0] {
        for bit in 0..8 {
            match *x & 1 << bit {
                0 => print!(" "),
                _ => print!(""),

The generated output should mostly resemble this (it will depend on your terminal's font settings):

 █ ██ █  
   ██ █  

and, it's meant to look like this: ΐ.


The default features include 'unicode', which provides a wrapper for the font constants, tupled with their corresponding unicode point.


Summary: 8x8 monochrome bitmap fonts for rendering. Implemented in Rust.

Author: Joaquín Rosales

License: The Unlicense.

These header files are directly derived from an assembler file fetched from:

Original header:

; Summary: `font8_8.asm`
; 8x8 monochrome bitmap fonts for rendering
; Author:
;     Marcel Sondaar
;     International Business Machines (public domain VGA fonts)
; License:
;     Public Domain

C header:

; Summary: `font8x8.h`
; 8x8 monochrome bitmap fonts for rendering
; Author: Daniel Hepper <>
; License: Public Domain