font8x8 0.1.1

8x8 monochrome bitmap font for rendering.
8x8 monochrome bitmap font for rendering. Implemented in Rust.


A collection of unicode characters in a 8x8 bitmap font.

# Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
font8x8 = "0.1"

Then you can use it with your crate:

extern crate font8x8

use font8x8::BASIC;    // U+0000 - U+007F
use font8x8::CONTROL;  // U+0080 - U+009F
use font8x8::LATIN;    // U+00A0 - U+00FF

use font8x8::BOX;      // U+2500 - U+257F
use font8x8::BLOCK;    // U+2580 - U+259F
use font8x8::HIRAGANA; // U+3040 - U+309F
use font8x8::GREEK;    // U+0390 - U+039C

use font8x8::MISC;     // U+20A7, U+0192, U+00AA, U+00BA,
                       // U+2310, U+2264, U+2265, U+0060,
                       // U+1EF2, U+1EF3

use font8x8::SGA;      // U+E541 - U+E55A


# Documentation

To generate the crate's documentation, you can use:

`cargo doc -p font8x8 --no-deps --open`

from the terminal.

It's highly recommended that you inspect the docs for each constant, as there is a listing
of the included characters. Better yet, dive into the source, it's pretty straightforward.

# Example

## Decoding and printing to screen
Let's say we want to print out the first character belonging to the
greek subset. In this case, it corresponds to the unicode `U+0390` described as `iota with
tonos and diaeresis`, and we will retrieve it from the `GREEK` constant provided by our library.

Specifically, we will be working with `GREEK[0]`, which is an array of bytes with capacity for
eight separate bytes (`[u8; 8]`).

Here's a program that will print the character to your terminal, by parsing each byte of the
array, inspecting it bit by bit, and printing an empty space `" "` for `0`, and `"█"` for `1`.

extern crate font8x8;

use font8x8::GREEK;

fn main() {
    for x in &GREEK[0] {
        for bit in 0..8 {
            match *x & 1 << bit {
                0 => print!(" "),
                _ => print!("█"),

The generated output should mostly resemble this (it will depend on your terminal's font settings):
 █ ██ █  
   ██ █  

and, it's meant to look like this: `ΐ`.


Summary: 8x8 monochrome bitmap fonts for rendering. Implemented in Rust.

Author: Joaquín Rosales <>

License: The Unlicense. [](

These header files are directly derived from an assembler file fetched from:

Original header:

; Summary: `font8_8.asm`
; 8x8 monochrome bitmap fonts for rendering
; Author:
;     Marcel Sondaar
;     International Business Machines (public domain VGA fonts)
; License:
;     Public Domain

C header:

; Summary: `font8x8.h`
; 8x8 monochrome bitmap fonts for rendering
; Author: Daniel Hepper <>
; License: Public Domain