Function fmt_cmp::int::cmp_int[][src]

pub fn cmp_int<T: Integer>(lhs: T, rhs: T, radix: u32) -> Ordering
Expand description

Lexicographically compares the digits of two integers.

While being able to compare numbers in arbitrary radix, this is not optimized very well. You should use cmp_dec for comparing in decimal representation or fmt_cmp::cmp(&format_args!("{:X}", lhs), &format_args!("{:X}", rhs)) for comparing in hexadecimal representation ("{:o}" for octal) instead.

When radix == 1, this will compare digits in the unary system, i.e., will return the same result as lhs.cmp(&rhs).

When radix > 36, this will compare digits in a theoretical base-radix system, in which the radix-th digit compares greater than the (radix-1)-th digit.


Panics if radix == 0.


assert!(fmt_cmp::cmp_int::<u32>(42, 3, 10).is_gt());
assert!(fmt_cmp::cmp_int::<u32>(24, 3, 10).is_lt());

assert!(fmt_cmp::cmp_int::<u32>(0x2a, 0x9, 16).is_lt());
assert!(fmt_cmp::cmp_int::<u32>(0xa2, 0x9, 16).is_gt());