fmod 0.9.15

A rust binding for the FMOD library failed to build fmod-0.9.15
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: fmod-0.10.2

rust-fmod Build Status

This is a rust binding for FMOD, the library developped by FIRELIGHT TECHNOLOGIES.

FMOD website :

You can also find it on !


You must install on your computer the FMOD library which is used for the binding.

To build it, please use :

> make

This command build rfmod, the examples and the documentation.

You can build them separatly too.

> make rfmod
> make examples
> make doc

Since this project supports cargo, you can also build it like this :

> cargo build


You can access the rfmod documentation locally, just build it :

> make doc

Then open this file with an internet browser : file:///{rfmod_location}/doc/rfmod/index.html

You can also access the latest build of the documentation via the internet from here.

##Short example

Here is a short example on how to create a file and to play it :

extern crate libc;
extern crate rfmod;

use std::os;

fn main() {
    let fmod = match rfmod::FmodSys::new() {
        Ok(f) => f,
        Err(e) => {
            panic!("Error code : {}", e);

    match fmod.init() {
        rfmod::Result::Ok => {}
        e => {
            panic!("FmodSys.init failed : {}", e);

    let mut sound = match fmod.create_sound(StrBuf::from_str("music.mp3"), None, None) {
        Ok(s) => s,
        Err(err) => {
            panic!("Error code : {}", err);

    match sound.play_to_the_end() {
        rfmod::Result::Ok => {
            println!("Ok !");
        err => {
            panic!("Error code : {}", err);

For a more complete example :


Please refer to the LICENSE.txt file for more details.
If you want more information, here is the FMOD website :