[][src]Crate fm_plugin

A wrapper around the FileMaker plug-in SDK.

Replicates much of the functionality found in the C++ library provided by FileMaker, which is mostly wrapping the C ffi, as well as some convenience functions.

Has only been tested with FileMaker 18 and 19 (windows, macos, and linux); your mileage may vary with older versions.

Quick Start

You'll want to make your project a library with a crate-type of cdylib.

path = "src/lib.rs"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

Each custom function/script step must be configured in a FileMakerFunction implementation.

pub struct MyFunction;

impl FileMakerFunction for MyFunction {
    fn function(id: i16, env: &ExprEnv, args: &DataVect, result: &mut Data) -> FMError {
        //log some info to the desktop (plugin.log)
        log("some troubleshooting info");



Next you'll need to implement Plugin for your plugin's struct, defining all the information about the plug-in, as well as registering all the functions.

use fm_plugin::prelude::*;

struct MyPlugin;

impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
    fn id() -> &'static [u8; 4] {

    fn name() -> &'static str {
        "MY PLUGIN"

    fn register_functions() -> Vec<ExternalFunction> {
        vec![ExternalFunction {
            id: 100,
            name: "MyPlugin_MyFunction",
            definition: "MyPlugin_MyFunction( arg1 ; arg2 )",
            description: "Does some really great stuff.",
            min_args: 2,
            max_args: 2,
            compatible_flags: DisplayInAllDialogs | FutureCompatible,
            min_version: ExternVersion::V160,
            function_ptr: Some(MyFunction::extern_func),

Lastly you'll need to register the plug-in.



pub use config::kill_filemaker;
pub use ffi::*;
pub use helpers::log;
pub use helpers::write_to_u16_buff;



Handles the force quitting of FileMaker before building the plug-in. This serves two purposes:


Contains all the C ffi wrappers.


Various helper functions, including a logging function.


Controls bundling of the plug-in after build. Utilizes the cargo-post crate. Requires settings to configured in config.toml.


Re-exports everything necessary for the register_plugin macro.



Sets up the entry point for every FileMaker call into the plug-in. The function then dispatches the calls to the various trait functions you can implement. Impl Plugin for your plugin struct, and then call the macro on it.



Implement this trait for your plugin struct. The different functions are used to give FileMaker information about the plugin. You also need to register all your functions/script steps in the trait implementation.