flysystem 0.1.3

A filesystem abstraction layer for Rust.


A filesystem abstraction layer for Rust. download count badge

About Flysystem

Flysystem is a file storage library for Rust. It provides one interface to interact with many types of filesystems. When you use Flysystem, you're not only protected from vendor lock-in, you'll also have a consistent experience for which ever storage is right for you.

It's inspired by the PHP library of the same name.

Getting Started

use flysystem::{Filesystem, adapters::{S3Adapter, s3::Config}};

// instantly swap between storage backends (like S3/Local/FTP)
// by changing the type here 👇👇👇
let mut filesystem = Filesystem::<S3Adapter>::new(Config {
    region: env::var("S3_REGION").ok(),
    bucket: env::var("S3_BUCKET").unwrap(),
    endpoint: env::var("S3_ENDPOINT").unwrap(),
    access_key: env::var("S3_ACCESS_KEY").unwrap(),
    secret_key: env::var("S3_SECRET_KEY").unwrap(),

filesystem.write(Path::new("my-first-file.txt"), "Hello, world!").await?;

Refer to the documentation on for detailed usage instructions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.