fluvio-smartstream 0.2.3

Fluvio SmartStream WASM library
# Fluvio SmartStreams

This crate provides types and macros for creating custom SmartStreams,
which are WebAssembly modules that may be used to modify the behavior
of Fluvio streams to consumers. The currently supported SmartStream
types are `filter`s, which may describe records to keep in or discard
from a stream.

## Writing SmartStreams

> See the `examples` directory for full examples.

All SmartStreams require adding `crate-type = ['cdylib']` to the Cargo.toml.
For a quick setup using `cargo-generate`, see [the SmartStream template].

[the SmartStream template]: https://github.com/infinyon/fluvio-smartstream-template

name = "fluvio-wasm-filter"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Fluvio Contributors <team@fluvio.io>"]
edition = "2018"

crate-type = ['cdylib']

fluvio-smartstream = "0.2.0"

### Filtering

For filtering, write your smartstream using `#[smartstream(filter)]` on your
top-level function. Consider this the "main" function of your SmartStream.

use fluvio_smartstream::{smartstream, Record, Result};

pub fn filter(record: &Record) -> Result<bool> {
    let string = std::str::from_utf8(record.value.as_ref())?;

This filter will keep only records whose contents contain the letter `a`.

### Mapping

Mapping functions use `#[smartstream(map)]`, and are also a top-level entrypoint.

use fluvio_smartstream::{smartstream, Record, RecordData, Result};

pub fn map(record: &Record) -> Result<(Option<RecordData>, RecordData)> {
    let key = record.key.clone();

    let string = std::str::from_utf8(record.value.as_ref())?;
    let int = string.parse::<i32>()?;
    let value = (int * 2).to_string();

    Ok((key, value.into()))

This SmartStream will read each input Record as an integer (`i32`), then multiply it by 2.

### Aggregate

Aggregate functions are a way to combine the data from many input records.
Each time the aggregate function is called, it receives an "accumulated" value
as well as the value of the current record in the stream, and is expected to
combine the accumulator with the value to produce a new accumulator. This new
accumulator value will be passed to the next invocation of `aggregate` with
the next record value. The resulting stream of values is the output accumulator
from each step.

use fluvio_smartstream::{smartstream, Result, Record, RecordData};

pub fn aggregate(accumulator: RecordData, current: &Record) -> Result<RecordData> {
    let mut acc = String::from_utf8(accumulator.as_ref().to_vec())?;
    let next = std::str::from_utf8(current.value.as_ref())?;

This SmartStream reads each record as a string and appends it to the accumulator string.

## License

This project is licensed under the [Apache license](LICENSE-APACHE).

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in Fluvio by you, shall be licensed as Apache, without any additional
terms or conditions.