Crate fluke_buffet

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  • A list of Piece, suitable for issuing vectored writes via io_uring.
  • A piece of data with a stable address that’s also valid utf-8.
  • An immutable view into a RollMut
  • An iterator over Roll
  • A “rolling buffer”. Uses either one BufMut or a Box<[u8]> for storage. This buffer never grows, but it can be split, and it can be reallocated so it regains its initical capacity, minus the length of the filled part.
  • A Roll that’s also a valid utf-8 string.


  • A piece of data (arbitrary bytes) with a stable address, suitable for passing to the kernel (io_uring writes).



  • Returns the thread-local IoUringAsync instance
  • Create a new pipe.
  • Spawns a new asynchronous task, returning a tokio::task::JoinHandle for it.
  • Build a new current-thread runtime and runs the provided future on it