fluffl 0.0.5

A cross-platform multimedia layer that exposes opengl,sockets,and audio utilities for desktop and browser
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap, rc::Rc};

// use extras::math_util::*;

use crate::{
    math::{AABB2, *},
    ogl::{array::*, buffer::*, program::*, texture::*, OglIncomplete, *},

use glow::*;
pub use hiero_pack::{self, *};

pub mod default_font;
pub use default_font::*;

type RcRefCell<T> = Rc<RefCell<T>>;

// This module renders Hiero Atlases(signed distance fields only) in OpenGL.
// Right now only 2D orthographic drawing is implemented

/// number of pixels used to represent whitespace (might change this later)
static DEFAULT_WHITE_SPACE_LEN: f32 = 24.0;

///The number of characters that can be drawn in a single draw-call
static CHARACTER_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 256;

///The default shader hardcoded for portability purposes
static DEFAULT_PROGRAM: &str = r"
    #ifndef HEADER
        #version 300 es
        precision mediump float;

    #ifndef UNIFORMS
        uniform sampler2D page;
        uniform vec4 text_color;
        uniform mat4 projection; 
        uniform mat4 model; 

        layout(location = 1) in vec2 vert_in; 
        layout(location = 2) in vec2 uv_in; 

    #ifndef VERTEX_SHADER
        out vec2 tex_coord; 
        void main(){
            tex_coord = uv_in; 
            gl_Position = projection*model*vec4(vert_in.xy,0.0,1.0); 
        in vec2 tex_coord; 
        out vec4 color; 
        void main(){
            vec4 page = texture(page,tex_coord);
            float dist = page.w; 
            vec2 grad = vec2( dFdx(dist), dFdy(dist));  
            float grad_mag = length(grad)*1.0;
            color = vec4(1.)*smoothstep(0.5-grad_mag,0.5+grad_mag,dist);

struct WriterState {
    pen_x: f32,
    pen_y: f32,
    comps_filled: usize,
    chars_filled: usize,
    vert_len: usize,
    text_len: usize,

impl WriterState {
    fn advance_pen(&mut self, dx: f32, dy: f32) {
        self.pen_x += dx;
        self.pen_y += dy;

    fn push_glyph(
        &mut self,
        verts: &mut [f32],
        uvs: &mut [f32],
        xoff: f32,
        yoff: f32,
        glyph_bounds: AABB2<f32>,
    ) {
        //generate glyph quad and its uvs
                [self.pen_x + xoff, self.pen_y + yoff],

    fn count_glyph(&mut self) {
        // count writen glyphs
        self.chars_filled += 1;
        // count components written.
        // I increment by  12 because:
        // 6 verts per quad 2 components per vert means 6*2 = 12 components
        self.comps_filled += 12;

    fn buffers_are_full(&self, char_index: usize) -> bool {
        self.comps_filled >= self.vert_len || char_index >= self.text_len - 1

    fn flush(
        &mut self,
        gl: &GlowGL,
        vert_buffer: &mut dyn HasBufferObj,
        uv_buffer: &mut dyn HasBufferObj,
    ) {
        // submit changes to opengl

        // submit draw call here
        unsafe {
            gl.draw_arrays(TRIANGLES, 0, 6 * self.chars_filled as i32);

        //clear counters
        self.comps_filled = 0;
        self.chars_filled = 0;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FontKind {

/// # Description
/// A simple text writer that draws signed-distance-fields fonts, using an atlas generated by `hiero`
/// and packed/parsed by my own tool `hiero_pack`
/// # Comments
/// - Needs opengl 3.0 or webgl2 for shader to  rcompile.
/// - Kernings are not implemented, font will probably render badly for certain fonts have it.
pub struct TextWriter {
    gl: GlowGL,
    text_geometry: OglArray,
    renderer: OglProg,
    /// used to switch between fonts -  currently unimplemented
    _atlas_table: HashMap<String, RcRefCell<HieroAtlas>>,
    atlas: Option<HieroAtlas>,
    projection_mat_loc: Option<UniformLocation>,
    model_loc: Option<UniformLocation>,
    page_loc: Option<UniformLocation>,
    page_texture: Option<OglTexture>,
    whitespace_len: Option<f32>,
    page_history: [usize; 4],
    page_index: usize,

    /// horizontal scaling for un-aspect-ratio-corrected text found in `Self::draw_text_line(..)` and `Self::`
    horizontal_scale_factor: f32,

    /// global dy top of pen p = (x0,y0)
    global_dy_t: Option<f32>,

    /// global dy top of below pen p = (x0,y0)
    global_dy_b: Option<f32>,

impl TextWriter {
    pub fn new(gl: &GlowGL) -> OglIncomplete<Self> {
        let renderer = match OglProg::compile_program(gl, DEFAULT_PROGRAM) {
            Ok(prog) => prog,
            Err(comp_err) => {
                if let CompilationError::ShaderError {
                } = comp_err
                    console_log!("ogl_error:\n{}\nsource:{}\n", ogl_error, faulty_source);
                panic!("shader compiler error");

        let vert_data: Vec<f32> = vec![0.; CHARACTER_BUFFER_LEN * 6 * 2];
        let uv_data = vert_data.clone();

        let array = OglArray::new(gl).init(vec![

        unsafe {
            let proj_loc = gl.get_uniform_location(renderer.prog(), "projection");
            let page_loc = gl.get_uniform_location(renderer.prog(), "page");
            let model_loc = gl.get_uniform_location(renderer.prog(), "model");

            OglIncomplete::new(Self {
                gl: gl.clone(),
                _atlas_table: HashMap::new(),
                atlas: None,
                projection_mat_loc: proj_loc,
                text_geometry: array,
                page_texture: None,
                whitespace_len: None,
                page_history: [99999; 4],
                page_index: 0,
                horizontal_scale_factor: 1.0,
                global_dy_b: None,
                global_dy_t: None,

    pub fn horizontal_scaling_factor(&self) -> &f32 {

    pub fn horizontal_scaling_factor_mut(&mut self) -> &mut f32 {
        &mut self.horizontal_scale_factor

    /// returns previous scaling factor
    pub fn set_scaling_factor(&mut self, sf: f32) -> f32 {
        let pf = self.horizontal_scale_factor;
        self.horizontal_scale_factor = sf;

    /// # Description
    /// Calculates a tight bounding box of the text, but doesn't actually draw anything
    /// # Parameters
    /// - `text` - the text you wish compute bonding box of
    /// - `x0`,`y0` - the top left corner of the bounding box
    /// - `size` - the vertical height of the text
    pub fn calc_text_aabb(&self, text: &str, x0: f32, y0: f32, size: f32) -> AABB2<f32> {
        if !text.is_empty() {
            let src_bb = self.calculate_bounding_box(x0, y0, text);
                [src_bb.x(), src_bb.y()],
                [src_bb.w() * self.horizontal_scale_factor, size],
        } else {
            AABB2::from_point_and_lengths([x0, y0], [0., 0.])

    /// # Description
    /// Calculates a tight bounding box of the text, but doesn't actually draw anything
    /// # Parameters
    /// - `text` - the text you wish compute bonding box of
    /// - `x0`,`y0` - the top left corner of the bounding box
    /// - `size` - the vertical height of the text
    /// # Comments
    /// In order to avoid 'squished' looking text, I try to maintain aspect ratio of unscaled glyphs
    pub fn calc_text_aabb_preserved(&self, text: &str, x0: f32, y0: f32, size: f32) -> AABB2<f32> {
        if !text.is_empty() {
            let src_bb = self.calculate_bounding_box(x0, y0, text);
            let aspect_ratio = src_bb.w() / src_bb.h();
            let width = aspect_ratio * size;
            AABB2::from_point_and_lengths([src_bb.x(), src_bb.y()], [width, size])
        } else {
            AABB2::from_point_and_lengths([x0, y0], [0., 0.])

    /// # Description
    /// Draws a line of `text`
    /// # Parameters
    /// - `x0` and `y0` are the position of text in the top-left corner\
    /// - `size` - specifys the height of the text ( aspect ratio is **NOT** preserved ) width depends on the length(number of chars) of text\
    /// - `screen_bounds` - the routine *needs* the dimensions of the screen in order to draw correctly\
    /// # Notes
    /// ---
    /// - Characters not present in the atlas are considered whitespace
    /// - Best performance is when an atlas consists of a SINGLE page(only one decode for entire lifetime of writer).
    /// - The routine only decodes one page at a time, so rendering can be very, very slow for certain strings.
    /// ## For exmaple(of worst case scenario):
    /// suppose character 'a' is in page 0 and character 'b' is in page 1, then the string 'ababab' will
    /// decode page 0 and 1 SIX times collectively. Decodes are really,relly, really slow.  
    pub fn draw_text_line<T: Into<Option<(u32, u32)>>>(
        &mut self,
        text: &str,
        x0: f32,
        y0: f32,
        size: f32,
        screen_bounds: T,
    ) {
        //just covering base cases
        if text.is_empty() {
        let screen_bounds = screen_bounds.into();

        let gl = self.gl.clone();
        let (screen_w, screen_h) = screen_bounds.unwrap_or((800, 600));
        let proj_mat = calc_ortho_window_f32(screen_w as f32, screen_h as f32);
        let src_bb = self.calculate_bounding_box(x0, y0, text);
        let resize_matrix = resize_region(
                [x0, y0],
                [src_bb.w() * self.horizontal_scale_factor, size],
        self.draw(&gl, text, x0, y0, proj_mat, resize_matrix);

    /// # Description
    /// Draws a line of `text`
    /// # Parameters
    /// - `x0` and `y0` are the position of text in the top-left corner\
    /// - `size` - specifys the height of the text ( aspect ratio is preserved ) width depends on the length(number of chars) of text\
    /// - `screen_bounds` - the routine *needs* the dimensions of the screen in order to draw correctly\
    /// # Notes
    /// ---
    /// - Characters not present in the atlas are considered whitespace
    /// - Best performance is when an atlas consists of a SINGLE page(only one decode for entire lifetime of writer).
    /// - The routine only decodes one page at a time, so rendering can be very, very slow for certain strings.
    /// ## For exmaple(of worst case scenario):
    /// suppose character 'a' is in page 0 and character 'b' is in page 1, then the string 'ababab' will
    /// decode page 0 and 1 SIX times collectively. Decodes are really,relly, really slow.  
    pub fn draw_text_line_preserved(
        &mut self,
        text: &str,
        x0: f32,
        y0: f32,
        size: f32,
        screen_bounds: Option<(u32, u32)>,
    ) {
        //just covering base cases
        if text.is_empty() {
        let gl = self.gl.clone();
        let (screen_w, screen_h) = screen_bounds.unwrap_or((800, 600));
        let proj_mat = calc_ortho_window_f32(screen_w as f32, screen_h as f32);
        let src_bb = self.calculate_bounding_box(x0, y0, text);
        let aspect_ratio = src_bb.w() / src_bb.h();
        let resize_matrix = resize_region(
            AABB2::from_point_and_lengths([x0, y0], [aspect_ratio * size, size]),
        self.draw(&gl, text, x0, y0, proj_mat, resize_matrix);

    fn draw(
        &mut self,
        gl: &GlowGL,
        text: &str,
        x0: f32,
        y0: f32,
        proj_mat: Mat4<f32>,
        resize_matrix: Mat4<f32>,
    ) {
        let whitespace = self.whitespace();

        //bind program

        //bind text vao

        //if it exists, bind texture to texture unit 0
        if let Some(texture) = self.page_texture.as_ref() {
            texture.bind(0, self.page_loc.as_ref())

        //force split borrow here
        let (uv_buffer_ptr, vert_buffer_ptr) = {
                self.text_geometry.get_mut("uvs").unwrap() as *mut dyn HasBufferObj,
                self.text_geometry.get_mut("verts").unwrap() as *mut dyn HasBufferObj,
        let (uv_buffer, vert_buffer) = unsafe { (&mut *uv_buffer_ptr, &mut *vert_buffer_ptr) };

        //intitalize render state
        let mut writer_state = WriterState {
            pen_x: x0,
            pen_y: y0,
            comps_filled: 0,
            chars_filled: 0,
            vert_len: Self::to_float_slice(vert_buffer.raw_bytes_mut()).len(),
            text_len: text.len(),

        let first_char = text.chars().next().unwrap();

        let first_page = self.atlas.as_ref().and_then(|atlas| {
                .map(|bitmap| bitmap.page)

        if let Some(index) = first_page {
            if self.cur_page() != index as usize {
                self.decode_page(index as usize);
                self.new_page(index as usize);

        unsafe {
            //enable blending here
            gl.blend_func(glow::SRC_ALPHA, glow::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
            //make uniforms are up-to-date
            gl.uniform_matrix_4_f32_slice(self.projection_mat_loc.as_ref(), true, proj_mat.as_slice());
            gl.uniform_matrix_4_f32_slice(self.model_loc.as_ref(), true, resize_matrix.as_slice());

        for (k, character) in text.char_indices() {
            let bitmap = self
                .and_then(|atlas| atlas.bitmap_table.get(&character))

            let adv = bitmap.map_or((whitespace, 0.), |bitmap| {
                let new_page = bitmap.page as usize;
                let cur_page = self.cur_page();

                if new_page != cur_page {
                    //flush buffer old buffer
                    writer_state.flush(gl, vert_buffer, uv_buffer);
                    //load new_page

                let hiero_bounds = AABB2::from_point_and_lengths(
                    [bitmap.x as f32, bitmap.y as f32],
                    [bitmap.width as f32, bitmap.height as f32],

                //type-pun both buffers to float-32
                let uvs = Self::to_float_slice(uv_buffer.raw_bytes_mut());
                let verts = Self::to_float_slice(vert_buffer.raw_bytes_mut());

                    bitmap.xoffset as f32,
                    bitmap.yoffset as f32,


                (bitmap.xadvance as f32, 0.0)

            writer_state.advance_pen(adv.0, adv.1);

            if writer_state.buffers_are_full(k) {
                //opengl draw call happens here
                writer_state.flush(gl, vert_buffer, uv_buffer);

        unsafe {
            //disable blending before exiting

    fn decode_page(&mut self, new_page: usize) {
        //decode new page and update OglTexture
        if let Some(atlas) = self.atlas.as_ref() {
                .map(|page| {
                    let pixel_slice = &page.pixels()[..];
                    self.page_texture.as_ref().map(|page_texture| {
                        page_texture.copy_image(512, 512, pixel_slice);
                .map_err(|err| {
                    panic!("Error: {}", err);

    /// # Description
    /// Computes bounding box of unscaled `text` at pen position: `(x0,y0)`
    /// # Comments
    /// - All coordinates are in standard screen-space
    fn calculate_bounding_box(&self, x0: f32, y0: f32, text: &str) -> AABB2<f32> {
        self.calculate_bounding_box_iter(x0, y0, text.chars())

    fn calculate_global_bounding_box(&mut self) {
        let char_iter = self
            .map(|(&k, _)| k);
        let aabb = self.calculate_bounding_box_iter(0.0, 0.0, char_iter);

        self.global_dy_t = Some(aabb.y());
        self.global_dy_b = Some(aabb.y() + aabb.h());

    fn calculate_bounding_box_iter(
        x0: f32,
        y0: f32,
        char_iter: impl Iterator<Item = char>,
    ) -> AABB2<f32> {
        let mut minx = std::f32::INFINITY;
        let mut miny = self
            .map(|dy| y0 + dy)
        let mut maxx = std::f32::NEG_INFINITY;
        let mut maxy = self
            .map(|dy| y0 + dy)
        let mut pen_x = x0;
        let pen_y = y0;

        let whitespace = self.whitespace();
        if let Some(atlas) = self.atlas.as_ref() {
            char_iter.for_each(|c| {
                let x_adv = atlas.bitmap_table.get(&c).map_or_else(
                    || whitespace,
                    |bitmap| {
                        let is_ws = c.is_whitespace() as u8 as f32;
                        let not_ws = 1.0 - is_ws;

                        let xoff = bitmap.xoffset as f32;
                        let yoff = bitmap.yoffset as f32;
                        let x = xoff + pen_x;
                        let y = yoff + pen_y;
                        // makes the width and height of the bitmap = xadvance for whitespace characters
                        // without this the result is a point(AABB with w=0,h=0). And when
                        // aspect ratio  is corrected we get INF/NANs in the AABB fields
                        let w = not_ws * (bitmap.width as f32) + is_ws * (bitmap.xadvance as f32);
                        let h = not_ws * (bitmap.height as f32) + is_ws * (bitmap.xadvance as f32);

                        [(x, y), (x + w, y), (x, y + h), (x + w, y + h)]
                            .for_each(|&(x, y)| {
                                minx = minx.min(x);
                                maxx = maxx.max(x);
                                miny = miny.min(y);
                                maxy = maxy.max(y);

                        bitmap.xadvance as f32

                pen_x += x_adv;

        minx = minx.min(pen_x);
        maxx = maxx.max(pen_x);
        miny = miny.min(pen_y);
        maxy = maxy.max(pen_y);

        AABB2::from_segment([minx, miny], [maxx, maxy])

    ///computes quads verticies and uv coordinates and writes then to the appropriate slices
    fn set_glyph(vert: &mut [f32], uvs: &mut [f32], vb: AABB2<f32>, hb: AABB2<f32>, offset: usize) {
        //it seems hiero pages are always 512x512
        const INV_PAGE_DIM: f32 = 1.0 / 512.;

        let get_pos = |rel_index: usize| -> usize { (2 * rel_index) + offset };

        let mut uv_helper = |rel_index: usize, x, y| {
            uvs[get_pos(rel_index) + 0] = x * INV_PAGE_DIM;
            uvs[get_pos(rel_index) + 1] = y * INV_PAGE_DIM;

        let mut vert_helper = |rel_index: usize, x, y| {
            vert[get_pos(rel_index) + 0] = x;
            vert[get_pos(rel_index) + 1] = y;

        //verts and uvs are generated on stack here
        let uvs = [
            (hb.x()         ,hb.y()          ),
            (hb.x() + hb.w(),hb.y()          ),
            (hb.x() + hb.w(),hb.y() + hb.h() ),
            (hb.x()         ,hb.y()          ),
            (hb.x() + hb.w(),hb.y() + hb.h() ),
            (hb.x()         ,hb.y() + hb.h() ),

        let verts = [
            (vb.x()         , vb.y()         ),
            (vb.x() + vb.w(), vb.y()         ),
            (vb.x() + vb.w(), vb.y() + vb.h()),
            (vb.x()         , vb.y()         ),
            (vb.x() + vb.w(), vb.y() + vb.h()),
            (vb.x()         , vb.y() + vb.h()),

        //write attribute data from stack to heap
        for (k, (&(vx, vy), (uvx, uvy))) in verts.iter().zip(uvs.iter()).enumerate() {
            uv_helper(k, uvx, uvy);
            vert_helper(k, vx, vy);

    /// This operation is pretty much just a cast
    fn to_float_slice(slice: &mut [u8]) -> &mut [f32] {
        let bytes = slice.len();
        unsafe {
                slice.as_mut_ptr() as *mut f32,
                bytes / std::mem::size_of::<f32>(),

    /// # Description
    /// Returns the number of pixels the writer should skip when encounting a whitespace character
    /// # Comments
    /// - the text writer maintains an internal`whitespace_len` that the user should be able to change if
    /// the current whitespace settings are not desireable
    /// - there should be a public "`set_whitespace(..)` or `with_whitespace(..)`" function, but currently one doesn't exist
    fn whitespace(&self) -> f32 {

    /// # Description
    /// Moves page index to previous page
    fn prev_page(&self) -> usize {
        let len = self.page_history.len();
        self.page_history[(self.page_index + len - 1) % len]
    /// # Description
    /// fetches currently loaded page number
    fn cur_page(&self) -> usize {

    /// # Description
    /// records accessed page
    fn new_page(&mut self, page: usize) {
        let new_index = (self.page_index + 1) % self.page_history.len();
        self.page_history[new_index] = page;
        self.page_index = new_index;
pub trait HasTextWriterBuilder {
    type WriterType;
    fn with_atlas(self, atlus: HieroAtlas) -> Self;
    fn build(self) -> Self::WriterType;

impl HasTextWriterBuilder for OglIncomplete<TextWriter> {
    type WriterType = TextWriter;
    fn with_atlas(mut self, atlus: HieroAtlas) -> Self {
        let gl = &self.inner.gl;

        self.inner.page_texture = atlus.try_unpack_page(0).ok().map(|page| {
            let info = page.info();

        self.inner.atlas = Some(atlus);
    fn build(mut self) -> Self::WriterType {