Trait fltk::prelude::ValuatorExt

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pub unsafe trait ValuatorExt: WidgetExt {
Show 15 methods // Required methods fn set_bounds(&mut self, a: f64, b: f64); fn minimum(&self) -> f64; fn set_minimum(&mut self, a: f64); fn maximum(&self) -> f64; fn set_maximum(&mut self, a: f64); fn set_range(&mut self, a: f64, b: f64); fn set_step(&mut self, a: f64, b: i32); fn step(&self) -> f64; fn set_precision(&mut self, digits: i32); fn value(&self) -> f64; fn set_value(&mut self, arg2: f64); fn format(&mut self, arg2: &str) -> Result<(), FltkError>; fn round(&self, arg2: f64) -> f64; fn clamp(&self, arg2: f64) -> f64; fn increment(&mut self, arg2: f64, arg3: i32) -> f64;
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Defines the methods implemented by all valuator widgets More details can be found in the wiki.


fltk-rs traits depend on some FLTK internal code


fltk-rs traits are non-exhaustive, to avoid future breakage if you try to implement them manually, use the Deref and DerefMut pattern or the widget_extends! macro

Required Methods§


fn set_bounds(&mut self, a: f64, b: f64)

Set bounds of a valuator


fn minimum(&self) -> f64

Get the minimum bound of a valuator


fn set_minimum(&mut self, a: f64)

Set the minimum bound of a valuator


fn maximum(&self) -> f64

Get the maximum bound of a valuator


fn set_maximum(&mut self, a: f64)

Set the maximum bound of a valuator


fn set_range(&mut self, a: f64, b: f64)

Set the range of a valuator


fn set_step(&mut self, a: f64, b: i32)

Set change step of a valuator. Rounds to multiples of a/b, or no rounding if a is zero


fn step(&self) -> f64

Get change step of a valuator


fn set_precision(&mut self, digits: i32)

Set the precision of a valuator


fn value(&self) -> f64

Get the value of a valuator


fn set_value(&mut self, arg2: f64)

Set the value of a valuator


fn format(&mut self, arg2: &str) -> Result<(), FltkError>

Set the format of a valuator


Errors on failure to set the format of the widget


fn round(&self, arg2: f64) -> f64

Round the valuator


fn clamp(&self, arg2: f64) -> f64

Clamp the valuator


fn increment(&mut self, arg2: f64, arg3: i32) -> f64

Increment the valuator
