Trait fltk::prelude::GroupExt

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pub unsafe trait GroupExt: WidgetExt {
Show 22 methods // Required methods fn begin(&self); fn end(&self); fn clear(&mut self); fn children(&self) -> i32; fn child(&self, idx: i32) -> Option<Widget>; fn find<W: WidgetExt>(&self, widget: &W) -> i32 where Self: Sized; fn add<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W) where Self: Sized; fn insert<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W, index: i32) where Self: Sized; fn remove<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W) where Self: Sized; fn remove_by_index(&mut self, idx: i32); fn resizable<W: WidgetExt>(&self, widget: &W) where Self: Sized; fn make_resizable(&mut self, val: bool); fn add_resizable<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W) where Self: Sized; fn set_clip_children(&mut self, flag: bool); fn clip_children(&self) -> bool; fn draw_child<W: WidgetExt>(&self, w: &mut W) where Self: Sized; fn update_child<W: WidgetExt>(&self, w: &mut W) where Self: Sized; fn draw_outside_label<W: WidgetExt>(&self, w: &mut W) where Self: Sized; fn draw_children(&mut self); fn init_sizes(&mut self); fn bounds(&self) -> Vec<(i32, i32, i32, i32)>; unsafe fn into_group(&self) -> Group;
Expand description

Defines the methods implemented by all group widgets. These widgets include Window types and others found in the group module: Group, Scroll, Pack, Tile, Flex …etc. Widgets implementing the GroupExt trait, are characterized by having to call ::end() method to basically close them. More details can be found in the wiki.

use fltk::{app, button::Button, window::Window, prelude::GroupExt};
let a = app::App::default();
let win = Window::default();
let btn = Button::default();
// Instantiate other widgets

In the above example, the button btn will be parented by the window. After ending such GroupExt widgets, any other widgets instantiated after the end call, will be instantiated outside. These can still be added using the ::add(&other_widget) method (or using ::insert):

use fltk::{app, button::Button, window::Window, prelude::GroupExt};
let a = app::App::default();
let mut win = Window::default();
let btn = Button::default();

Another option is to reopen the widget:

use fltk::{app, button::Button, window::Window, prelude::GroupExt};
let a = app::App::default();
let win = Window::default();
let btn = Button::default();
// other widgets


fltk-rs traits depend on some FLTK internal code


fltk-rs traits are non-exhaustive, to avoid future breakage if you try to implement them manually, use the Deref and DerefMut pattern or the widget_extends! macro

Required Methods§


fn begin(&self)

Begins a group, used for widgets implementing the group trait


fn end(&self)

Ends a group, used for widgets implementing the group trait


fn clear(&mut self)

Clear a group from all widgets


fn children(&self) -> i32

Return the number of children in a group


fn child(&self, idx: i32) -> Option<Widget>

Return child widget by index


fn find<W: WidgetExt>(&self, widget: &W) -> i32
where Self: Sized,

Find a widget within a group and return its index


fn add<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W)
where Self: Sized,

Add a widget to a group


fn insert<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W, index: i32)
where Self: Sized,

Insert a widget to a group at a certain index


fn remove<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W)
where Self: Sized,

Remove a widget from a group, but does not delete it


fn remove_by_index(&mut self, idx: i32)

Remove a child widget by its index


fn resizable<W: WidgetExt>(&self, widget: &W)
where Self: Sized,

The resizable widget defines both the resizing frame and the resizing behavior of the group and its children.


fn make_resizable(&mut self, val: bool)

Make the group itself resizable, should be called before the widget is shown


fn add_resizable<W: WidgetExt>(&mut self, widget: &W)
where Self: Sized,

Adds a widget to the group and makes it the resizable widget


fn set_clip_children(&mut self, flag: bool)

Clips children outside the group boundaries


fn clip_children(&self) -> bool

Get whether clip_children is set


fn draw_child<W: WidgetExt>(&self, w: &mut W)
where Self: Sized,

Draw a child widget, the call should be in a WidgetBase::draw method


fn update_child<W: WidgetExt>(&self, w: &mut W)
where Self: Sized,

Update a child widget, the call should be in a WidgetBase::draw method


fn draw_outside_label<W: WidgetExt>(&self, w: &mut W)
where Self: Sized,

Draw the outside label, the call should be in a WidgetBase::draw method


fn draw_children(&mut self)

Draw children, the call should be in a WidgetBase::draw method


fn init_sizes(&mut self)

Resets the internal array of widget sizes and positions


fn bounds(&self) -> Vec<(i32, i32, i32, i32)>

Get the bounds of all children widgets (left, upper, right, bottom)


unsafe fn into_group(&self) -> Group

Converts a widget implementing GroupExt into a Group widget


If the widget wasn’t created by fltk-rs, vtable differences mean certain methods can’t be overridden (e.g. handle & draw)
