fltk 0.11.4

Rust bindings for the FLTK GUI library
# Examples

Each file is a standalone executable with its own main function. Examples vary from basic hello world simplicity to some more complex examples. They may contain logic bugs, however their purpose is for demonstration and for testing UI elements. If you would like to contribute fixes, improvements or more examples, you're very welcome to do so.
The paint example might not work on MacOS since MacOS requires drawing to be done using Quartz drawing primitives for certain elements. 

To run the examples: 
$ cargo run --example editor
$ cargo run --example calculator
$ cargo run --example gallery
$ cargo run --example terminal
$ cargo run --example counter
$ cargo run --example hello
$ cargo run --example hello_button
$ cargo run --example paint
$ cargo run --example pong
$ cargo run --example <filename>