flow-rust-sdk 4.0.2

Flow-Rust-SDK utilizes the Flow gRPC AccessAPI to make requests on the flow blockchain.
version = "0.5"
features = ["serde"]
version = "1"

version = "0.4.3"

features = ["ecdsa"]
version = "1.0.0"

version = "0.8"

version = "0.6.3"

version = "0.5.1"

features = ["derive"]
version = "1.0"

version = "1.0.68"

features = ["full"]
version = "1.11.0"

version = "0.5"

description = "Flow-Rust-SDK\nutilizes the Flow gRPC AccessAPI to make requests on the flow blockchain.\n"
edition = "2018"
license = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
name = "flow-rust-sdk"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/MarshallBelles/flow-rust-sdk"
version = "4.0.2"