float_eq 0.1.3

Explicit and deliberate comparison of IEEE floating point numbers.


Explicit and deliberate comparison of IEEE floating point numbers.

Comparing floating point values for equality is really hard. To get it right requires careful thought and iteration based on the needs of each specific algorithm's inputs and error margins. This API provides a toolbox of components to make your options clear and your choices explicit to future maintainers.


Given how widely algorithmic requirements can vary, float_eq explores the idea that there are no generally sensible default margins for comparisons. This is in contrast to the approach taken by many existing crates, which often provide default epsilon values in checks or implicitly favour particular algorithms. The author's hope is that by exposing the inherent complexity in a uniform way, programmers will find it easier to develop an intuition for how to write effective comparisons. The trade-off is that each individual comparison requires more iteration time and thought.

And yes, this is yet another crate built on the principles described in that Random ASCII floating point comparison article, which is highly recommended background reading 🙂.


Add this to your cargo.toml:

float_eq = "0.1"

and, if you're using the 2015 edition, this to your crate root:

extern crate float_eq;

then, you can import items with use:

use float_eq::{assert_float_eq, float_eq};


This crate provides boolean comparison operations:

assert!(float_eq!(1000.0_f32, 1000.0002, ulps <= 4));

// f32::EPSILON.sqrt()
const ROUNDING_ERROR: f32 = 0.00034526698;
assert!(float_ne!(4.0_f32, 4.1, rel <= ROUNDING_ERROR));

And asserts:

// 1.5 * 2_f32.powi(-12), as per SSE intrinsics documentation
const RECIP_REL_EPSILON: f32 = 0.00036621094; 
let recip = 0.1_f32.recip();
assert_float_eq!(recip, 10.0, rel <= RECIP_REL_EPSILON);

assert_float_ne!(0.0_f32, 0.0001, abs <= 0.00005, ulps <= 4);

See the API documentation for a long form introduction to the different kinds of checks, their uses and limitations. Comparison of new types is supported by implementing the FloatEq and FloatDiff traits.


This crate can be used without the standard library (#![no_std]) by disabling the default std feature. Use this in Cargo.toml:

version = "0.1"
default-features = false

Related efforts

There are a number of existing crates that implement these kinds of comparisons if you're looking for a more mature solution or simply a different approach. The approx, float-cmp and almost crates all provide a similar style of general comparison operations, whereas assert_float_eq focuses specifically on assertions. In contrast, efloat comes at the problem from a different angle, instead tracking the error bounds of values as operations are applied.


Release information is available in CHANGELOG.md.

Future plans

  • #[derive] support for comparison of custom types that are composed of already comparable floating point values.

  • Support for num::Complex.

  • Investigate the safety guarantees of the ulps check. Currently, it doesn't act like the default floating point checks when it comes to NaNs and other special values.

  • More exhaustive testing. Tests currently cover all basic functionality, but there are lots of edge cases that aren't being tested yet.

  • Benchmark performance, especially the implications of chaining multiple tests.


Constructive feedback, suggestions and contributions welcomed, please open an issue.