flo_curves 0.6.1

Library for manipulating Bezier curves
use super::path::*;
use super::to_curves::*;
use super::super::curve::*;
use super::super::intersection::*;
use super::super::super::geo::*;
use super::super::super::line::*;

/// Determines the intersections of a path and a line
/// Intersections are returned as the path section index, the 't' parameter along that curve and the 't' value along the line:
/// ie: `(path_point_idx, curve_t, line_t)`. 
pub fn path_intersects_line<'a, Path: BezierPath, L: Line<Point=Path::Point>>(path: &'a Path, line: &'a L) -> impl 'a+Iterator<Item=(usize, f64, f64)> 
where Path::Point: 'a+Coordinate2D {
    path_to_curves::<_, Curve<_>>(path)
        .flat_map(move |(section_id, curve)| curve_intersects_line(&curve, line).into_iter().map(move |(t, s, _pos)| (section_id, t, s)))

/// Determines the intersections of a path and a ray.
///  Return value is `(path_point_idx, curve_t, line_t)`. Ray intersections differ from line intersections
/// in that there's no requirement for the result to be within the bounds of the supplied line (so any match in the direction of the line is
/// returned).
/// It's possible to filter for matches that occur after the start of the line by looking for results with an `s` value >= 0
pub fn path_intersects_ray<'a, Path: BezierPath, L: Line<Point=Path::Point>>(path: &'a Path, line: &'a L) -> impl 'a+Iterator<Item=(usize, f64, f64)> 
where Path::Point: 'a+Coordinate2D {
    path_to_curves::<_, Curve<_>>(path)
        .flat_map(move |(section_id, curve)| curve_intersects_line(&curve, line).into_iter().map(move |(t, s, _pos)| (section_id, t, s)))

/// Finds the points where a path intersects another path
/// Intersections are returned as (segment index, t-value), in pairs indicating the position on the first path
/// and the position on the second path. Intersections are unordered by default.
/// The accuracy value indicates the maximum errors that's permitted for an intersection: the bezier curve
/// intersection algorithm is approximate.
pub fn path_intersects_path<'a, Path: BezierPath>(path1: &'a Path, path2: &'a Path, accuracy: f64) -> Vec<((usize, f64), (usize, f64))> 
where Path::Point: 'a+Coordinate2D {
    // Convert both paths to sections: also compute the bounding boxes for quick rejection of sections with no intersections
    let path1_sections = path_to_curves::<_, Curve<_>>(path1)
        .map(|(section_id, curve)| (section_id, curve, curve.bounding_box::<Bounds<_>>()));
    let path2_sections = path_to_curves::<_, Curve<_>>(path2)
        .map(|(section_id, curve)| (section_id, curve, curve.bounding_box::<Bounds<_>>()))

    // Start generating the result
    let mut result = vec![];

    // Compare the sections in path1 to the sections in path2
    // We iterate over path1 once...
    for (p1_section_id, p1_curve, p1_curve_bounds) in path1_sections {
        // But repeatedly interate over path2
        for (p2_section_id, p2_curve, p2_curve_bounds) in path2_sections.iter() {
            // Only search for intersections if these two sections have overlapping bounding boxes
            if p1_curve_bounds.overlaps(p2_curve_bounds) {
                // Determine the intersections (if any) between these two curves
                let intersections = curve_intersects_curve_clip(&p1_curve, p2_curve, accuracy);

                // Combine with the section IDs to generate the results
                result.extend(intersections.into_iter().map(|(t1, t2)| ((p1_section_id, t1), (*p2_section_id, t2)) ));
