pub trait GraphicsContext {
Show 59 methods // Provided methods fn start_frame(&mut self) { ... } fn show_frame(&mut self) { ... } fn reset_frame(&mut self) { ... } fn new_path(&mut self) { ... } fn move_to(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32) { ... } fn line_to(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32) { ... } fn bezier_curve_to( &mut self, x: f32, y: f32, cp1_x: f32, cp1_y: f32, cp2_x: f32, cp2_y: f32 ) { ... } fn close_path(&mut self) { ... } fn fill(&mut self) { ... } fn stroke(&mut self) { ... } fn line_width(&mut self, width: f32) { ... } fn line_width_pixels(&mut self, width: f32) { ... } fn line_join(&mut self, join: LineJoin) { ... } fn line_cap(&mut self, cap: LineCap) { ... } fn winding_rule(&mut self, winding_rule: WindingRule) { ... } fn new_dash_pattern(&mut self) { ... } fn dash_length(&mut self, length: f32) { ... } fn dash_offset(&mut self, offset: f32) { ... } fn fill_color(&mut self, col: Color) { ... } fn fill_texture( &mut self, texture_id: TextureId, x1: f32, y1: f32, x2: f32, y2: f32 ) { ... } fn fill_gradient( &mut self, gradient_id: GradientId, x1: f32, y1: f32, x2: f32, y2: f32 ) { ... } fn fill_transform(&mut self, transform: Transform2D) { ... } fn stroke_color(&mut self, col: Color) { ... } fn blend_mode(&mut self, mode: BlendMode) { ... } fn identity_transform(&mut self) { ... } fn canvas_height(&mut self, height: f32) { ... } fn center_region(&mut self, minx: f32, miny: f32, maxx: f32, maxy: f32) { ... } fn transform(&mut self, transform: Transform2D) { ... } fn unclip(&mut self) { ... } fn clip(&mut self) { ... } fn store(&mut self) { ... } fn restore(&mut self) { ... } fn free_stored_buffer(&mut self) { ... } fn push_state(&mut self) { ... } fn pop_state(&mut self) { ... } fn clear_canvas(&mut self, color: Color) { ... } fn layer(&mut self, layer_id: LayerId) { ... } fn layer_blend(&mut self, layer_id: LayerId, blend_mode: BlendMode) { ... } fn clear_layer(&mut self) { ... } fn clear_all_layers(&mut self) { ... } fn swap_layers(&mut self, layer1: LayerId, layer2: LayerId) { ... } fn sprite(&mut self, sprite_id: SpriteId) { ... } fn clear_sprite(&mut self) { ... } fn sprite_transform(&mut self, transform: SpriteTransform) { ... } fn draw_sprite(&mut self, sprite_id: SpriteId) { ... } fn define_font_data( &mut self, font_id: FontId, font_data: Arc<CanvasFontFace> ) { ... } fn set_font_size(&mut self, font_id: FontId, size: f32) { ... } fn draw_text( &mut self, font_id: FontId, text: String, baseline_x: f32, baseline_y: f32 ) { ... } fn draw_glyphs(&mut self, font_id: FontId, glyphs: Vec<GlyphPosition>) { ... } fn begin_line_layout(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32, align: TextAlignment) { ... } fn layout_text(&mut self, font_id: FontId, text: String) { ... } fn draw_text_layout(&mut self) { ... } fn create_texture( &mut self, texture_id: TextureId, width: u32, height: u32, format: TextureFormat ) { ... } fn free_texture(&mut self, texture_id: TextureId) { ... } fn set_texture_bytes( &mut self, texture_id: TextureId, x: u32, y: u32, width: u32, height: u32, bytes: Arc<Vec<u8>> ) { ... } fn set_texture_fill_alpha(&mut self, texture_id: TextureId, alpha: f32) { ... } fn create_gradient(&mut self, gradient_id: GradientId, initial_color: Color) { ... } fn gradient_stop(&mut self, gradient_id: GradientId, pos: f32, color: Color) { ... } fn draw(&mut self, d: Draw) { ... }
Expand description

A graphics context provides the basic set of graphics actions that can be performed

This trait contains default implementations for all of the operations that call draw() as well as an implementation of draw() that calls the default implementations. Inheritors should either implement ‘draw’ or implement all of the operations.

Provided Methods§


fn start_frame(&mut self)

Suspends rendering to the display until the next ‘ShowFrame’

The renderer may perform tessellation or rendering in the background after ‘StartFrame’ but won’t commit anything to the visible frame buffer until ‘ShowFrame’ is hit. If ‘StartFrame’ is nested, then the frame won’t be displayed until ‘ShowFrame’ has been requested at least that many times.

The frame state persists across a ‘ClearCanvas’


fn show_frame(&mut self)

Displays any requested queued after ‘StartFrame’


fn reset_frame(&mut self)

Resets the frame count back to 0 (for when regenerating the state of a canvas)


fn new_path(&mut self)

Begins a new path


fn move_to(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32)

Move to a new point in the current path (paths should always begin with a move instruction, and moves can define subpaths)


fn line_to(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32)

Adds a line to the current path


fn bezier_curve_to( &mut self, x: f32, y: f32, cp1_x: f32, cp1_y: f32, cp2_x: f32, cp2_y: f32 )

Adds a bezier curve to the current path


fn close_path(&mut self)

Closes the current path (adds a line to the last move point)


fn fill(&mut self)

Fills the currently defined path


fn stroke(&mut self)

Draws a line around the currently defined path


fn line_width(&mut self, width: f32)

Sets the line width for the next stroke() operation


fn line_width_pixels(&mut self, width: f32)

Sets the line width for the next stroke() operation in device pixels


fn line_join(&mut self, join: LineJoin)

Sets the line join style for the next stroke() operation


fn line_cap(&mut self, cap: LineCap)

Sets the style of the start and end cap of the next line drawn by the stroke() operation


fn winding_rule(&mut self, winding_rule: WindingRule)

Sets the winding rule used to determine if an internal subpath should be filled or empty


fn new_dash_pattern(&mut self)

Starts defining a new dash pattern


fn dash_length(&mut self, length: f32)

Adds a dash of the specified length to the dash pattern (alternating between drawing and gap lengths)


fn dash_offset(&mut self, offset: f32)

Sets the offset for where the dash pattern starts at the next stroke


fn fill_color(&mut self, col: Color)

Sets the colour of the next fill() operation


fn fill_texture(&mut self, texture_id: TextureId, x1: f32, y1: f32, x2: f32, y2: f32)

Sets the texture to use for the next fill() operation


fn fill_gradient( &mut self, gradient_id: GradientId, x1: f32, y1: f32, x2: f32, y2: f32 )

Sets the gradient to use for the next fill() operation


fn fill_transform(&mut self, transform: Transform2D)

Applies a transformation to the fill texture or gradient


fn stroke_color(&mut self, col: Color)

Sets the colour to use for the next stroke() operation


fn blend_mode(&mut self, mode: BlendMode)

Sets the blend mode of the next fill or stroke operation


fn identity_transform(&mut self)

Reset the canvas transformation to the identity transformation (so that the y axis goes from -1 to 1)


fn canvas_height(&mut self, height: f32)

Sets a transformation such that: (0,0) is the center point of the canvas (0,height/2) is the top of the canvas Pixels are square


fn center_region(&mut self, minx: f32, miny: f32, maxx: f32, maxy: f32)

Moves a particular region to the center of the canvas (coordinates are minx, miny, maxx, maxy)


fn transform(&mut self, transform: Transform2D)

Multiply a 2D transform by the current transformation


fn unclip(&mut self)

Removes the current clipping path


fn clip(&mut self)

Sets the current path as the clipping path


fn store(&mut self)

Stores the current contents of the canvas in a background buffer


fn restore(&mut self)

Restores the contents of the canvas from the background buffer


fn free_stored_buffer(&mut self)

Releases the memory allocated by the last store() operation


fn push_state(&mut self)

Stores the current state of the canvas (line width, fill colour, etc)


fn pop_state(&mut self)

Restore a state previously pushed

This will restore the line width (and the other stroke settings), stroke colour, current path, fill colour, winding rule, sprite settings and blend settings.

The currently selected layer is not affected by this operation.


fn clear_canvas(&mut self, color: Color)

Clears the canvas entirely to a background colour, and removes any stored resources (layers, sprites, fonts, textures)


fn layer(&mut self, layer_id: LayerId)

Selects a particular layer for drawing Layer 0 is selected initially. Layers are drawn in order starting from 0. Layer IDs don’t have to be sequential.


fn layer_blend(&mut self, layer_id: LayerId, blend_mode: BlendMode)

Sets how a particular layer is blended with the underlying layer


fn clear_layer(&mut self)

Clears the current layer


fn clear_all_layers(&mut self)

Clears all of the layers (without resetting any other resources, as clear_canvas does)


fn swap_layers(&mut self, layer1: LayerId, layer2: LayerId)

Exchanges the contents of two layers in the drawing


fn sprite(&mut self, sprite_id: SpriteId)

Selects a particular sprite for drawing

Future drawing actions are sent to this sprite: use something like Layer(0) to start drawing to a layer again.

Sprites can be repeatedly re-rendered with a single command and their appearance may be cached for efficiency. Actions that affect the whole canvas or layers are not permitted in sprites.


fn clear_sprite(&mut self)

Releases the resources used by the current sprite


fn sprite_transform(&mut self, transform: SpriteTransform)

Adds a sprite transform to the next sprite drawing operation


fn draw_sprite(&mut self, sprite_id: SpriteId)

Renders a sprite with a set of transformations


fn define_font_data(&mut self, font_id: FontId, font_data: Arc<CanvasFontFace>)

Loads font data into the canvas for a particular font ID


fn set_font_size(&mut self, font_id: FontId, size: f32)

Sets the size that text in the specified font will be rendered at


fn draw_text( &mut self, font_id: FontId, text: String, baseline_x: f32, baseline_y: f32 )

Draws a text string using a font


fn draw_glyphs(&mut self, font_id: FontId, glyphs: Vec<GlyphPosition>)

Draws specific glyphs from a font


fn begin_line_layout(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32, align: TextAlignment)

Starts laying out a line of text


fn layout_text(&mut self, font_id: FontId, text: String)

Adds text to the current line layout


fn draw_text_layout(&mut self)

Finishes laying out text and renders the result


fn create_texture( &mut self, texture_id: TextureId, width: u32, height: u32, format: TextureFormat )

Creates a new texture that can be used with fill_texture of the specified width and height


fn free_texture(&mut self, texture_id: TextureId)

Releases the memory allocated to a particular texture


fn set_texture_bytes( &mut self, texture_id: TextureId, x: u32, y: u32, width: u32, height: u32, bytes: Arc<Vec<u8>> )

Sets the bitmap data for a texture, in the format specified by the call to create_texture()


fn set_texture_fill_alpha(&mut self, texture_id: TextureId, alpha: f32)

Applies an alpha value to a texture


fn create_gradient(&mut self, gradient_id: GradientId, initial_color: Color)

Defines a new gradient with a colour at stop position 0.0. Gradients can be used via fill_gradient()


fn gradient_stop(&mut self, gradient_id: GradientId, pos: f32, color: Color)

Adds a new colour stop to a texture


fn draw(&mut self, d: Draw)

Sends a single drawing instruction to this graphics context

Trait Implementations§


impl<'a> GraphicsPrimitives for dyn GraphicsContext + 'a

The dynamic graphics context object also implements the graphics primitives


fn rect(&mut self, x1: f32, y1: f32, x2: f32, y2: f32)

Draws a rectangle between particular coordinates

fn circle(&mut self, center_x: f32, center_y: f32, radius: f32)

Draws a circle at a particular point

fn bezier_path<TPath: BezierPath>(&mut self, path: &TPath)where TPath::Point: Coordinate2D,

Draws a bezier path

fn bezier_curve<TCurve: BezierCurve>(&mut self, curve: &TCurve)where TCurve::Point: Coordinate2D,

Draws a bezier curve (defined by the BezierCurve trait)

fn draw_list<'a, DrawIter: 'a + IntoIterator<Item = Draw>>( &'a mut self, drawing: DrawIter )

Draws a series of instructions

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl GraphicsContext for Vec<Draw>

A Vec can be treated as a target for graphics primitives (just pushing the appropriate draw instructions)


fn draw(&mut self, d: Draw)
