flexstr 0.9.2

A flexible, simple to use, immutable, clone-efficient `String` replacement for Rust

A flexible, simple to use, immutable, clone-efficient [String] replacement for Rust

String Creation from Literals

String constants are easily wrapped into the unified string type. String contents are inlined when possible otherwise allocated on the heap.

use flexstr::{local_str, LocalStr, ToLocalStr};

// Use `local_str` macro to wrap literals as compile-time constants
const STATIC_STR: LocalStr = local_str!("This will not allocate or copy");

// Strings up to 22 bytes (on 64-bit) will be inlined automatically
// (demo only, use macro or `from_static` for literals as above)
let inline_str = "inlined".to_local_str();

// When a string is too long to be wrapped/inlined, it will heap allocate
// (demo only, use macro or `from_static` for literals as above)
let rc_str = "This is too long to be inlined".to_local_str();

String Creation and Manipulation

The stdlib [format] macro equivalent is used to create brand new strings. String operations like changing case and concatenation are efficiently supported (inlining when possible).

use flexstr::{local_fmt, LocalStr, ToCase};

// You can efficiently create a new `LocalStr` (without creating a `String`)
// This is equivalent to the stdlib `format!` macro
let inline_str = local_fmt!("in{}", "lined");

// We can upper/lowercase strings without converting to a `String` first
// This doesn't heap allocate since inlined
let inline_str2: LocalStr = "INLINED".to_ascii_lower();
assert_eq!(inline_str, inline_str2);

// Concatenation doesn't even copy if we can fit it in the inline string
let inline_str3 = inline_str2 + "!!!";
assert_eq!(inline_str3, "inlined!!!");

Efficient, Universal String Type

Clones never copy or allocate and are very fast. Regardless of underlying storage type, all strings work together and resulting strings automatically choose the best storage.

use flexstr::{local_str, LocalStr, ToLocalStr};

// Clone is cheap, and never allocates
// (at most it is a ref count increment for heap allocated strings)
let rc_str = "This is too long to be inlined".to_local_str().clone();

// Regardless of storage type, these all operate seamlessly together
// and choose storage as required
const STATIC_STR: LocalStr = local_str!("This will eventually end up on the ");
let inline_str = "heap".to_local_str();

let heap_str2 = STATIC_STR + &inline_str;
assert_eq!(heap_str2, "This will eventually end up on the heap");