flawless-http 1.0.0-alpha.16+croatian-pine-marten

HTTP client for https://flawless.dev.


HTTP client for https://flawless.dev.

This library takes a lot of inspiration from ureq. I'm very grateful for all the work that algesten, jsha and other contributors have done on ureq. ❤️

Quick start

A simple GET request would look like this.

use flawless::workflow;
use flawless_http::get;

fn fetch() {
    let request = get("https://example.com").set_header("Accept", "application/json");
    let response = request.send().unwrap();
    log::info!("{}", String::from_utf8(response.body()).unwrap());


A request can contain a body, but depending on the body type, additional request headers might be set. If headers are already manually set by the user, they are not overwritten.

Text arguments

In case a String or &str type is given to body, the "Content-Length" header is going to be set to the byte length of the string.

use flawless_http::post;

let response = post("https://httpbin.org/post")
                .body("Hello world!")
Form arguments

In case a slice of tuples of strings is passed in (&[(&str, &str)]), body will assume a for is being submitted and URL encode it. It will set the header "Content-Type" to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", and "Content-Length" to the size of the encoded content.

use flawless_http::post;

let response = post("https://httpbin.org/post")
                  ("Hello", "world!"),
                  ("second", "argument"),
JSON arguments

In case of a [serde_json::Value] type, body will assume that the content is of type JSON and set the header "Content-Type" to "application/json". It will also set "Content-Length" to the size of the serialized JSON.

use flawless_http::post;
use serde_json::json;

let response = post("https://httpbin.org/post")
                    "Hello": "world!",
                    "second": "argument",