flattiverse_connector 42.1.3

Connector library for the flattiverse.com game server.

Flattiverse Rust Connector

Homepage: https://flattiverse.com/
GitHub-Dev: https://github.com/flattiverse/
C#-Connector: https://github.com/flattiverse/connector-csharp

The rust implementation of the Flattiverse connector. It uses WebSocket to connect to the Flattiverse servers.

See the examples for how to use this crate

  • examples/console.rs: Demonstrates very basic usage of the connector. Only logs to the console. Shows connecting to the server, sending messages, creating a ship, scanning stuff and processing events.
  • examples/sdl2.rs: Additionally, opens a SDL2-Window, draws the own ship onto it and demonstrates how to process input-events.

Hint compilation

This crate uses rustls for encryption. If you are building in debug mode, consider adding the following to your Cargo.toml to speed up the socket encryption.

opt-level = 3