pub trait Controllable: Send + Sync {
Show 100 methods fn id(&self) -> u8; fn revision(&self) -> i64; fn class(&self) -> &str; fn name(&self) -> &str; fn level(&self) -> u8; fn radius(&self) -> f32; fn gravity(&self) -> f32; fn efficiency_tactical(&self) -> f32; fn efficiency_economical(&self) -> f32; fn visible_range_multiplier(&self) -> f32; fn energy_max(&self) -> f32; fn particles_max(&self) -> f32; fn ions_max(&self) -> f32; fn energy_cells(&self) -> f32; fn particles_cells(&self) -> f32; fn ions_cells(&self) -> f32; fn energy_reactor(&self) -> f32; fn particles_reactor(&self) -> f32; fn ions_reactor(&self) -> f32; fn hull_max(&self) -> f32; fn hull_armor(&self) -> f32; fn hull_repair(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn shield_max(&self) -> f32; fn shield_armor(&self) -> f32; fn shield_load(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn engine_speed(&self) -> f32; fn engine_acceleration(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn scanner_degree_per_scan(&self) -> f32; fn scanner_count(&self) -> u8; fn scanner_area(&self) -> &ScanEnergyCost; fn weapon_shot(&self) -> &WeaponEnergyCost; fn weapon_hull(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_hull_armor(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_shield(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_shield_armor(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_visible_range_multiplier(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_gravity(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_size(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_production(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_production_load(&self) -> f32; fn weapon_sub_directions(&self) -> u8; fn weapon_sub_directions_length(&self) -> f32; fn builder_time(&self) -> f32; fn builder_time_factory_energy(&self) -> f32; fn builder_time_factory_particles(&self) -> f32; fn builder_time_factory_ions(&self) -> f32; fn builder_capabilities(&self) -> &Vec<UnitKind>; fn energy_transfer_energy(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn energy_transfer_particles(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn energy_transfer_ions(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn cargo_slots(&self) -> u8; fn cargo_amount(&self) -> f32; fn crystal_converter(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn crystal_slots(&self) -> u8; fn tractor_beam(&self) -> &EnergyCost; fn tractor_beam_range(&self) -> f32; fn scores(&self) -> &Arc<Scores>; fn energy(&self) -> f32; fn particles(&self) -> f32; fn ions(&self) -> f32; fn hull(&self) -> f32; fn shield(&self) -> f32; fn build_position(&self) -> Option<Vector>; fn build_progress(&self) -> f32; fn is_building(&self) -> Option<AnyControllable>; fn is_built_by(&self) -> Option<AnyControllable>; fn weapon_production_status(&self) -> f32; fn crystals(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<'_, Vec<Arc<CrystalCargoItem>>>; fn cargo_items(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<'_, Vec<AnyCargoItem>>; fn universe(&self) -> Weak<Universe>; fn haste_time(&self) -> u16; fn double_damage_time(&self) -> u16; fn quad_damage_time(&self) -> u16; fn cloak_time(&self) -> u16; fn connector(&self) -> &Weak<Connector>; fn is_active(&self) -> bool; fn is_pending_shutdown(&self) -> bool; fn scan_list(&self) -> &RwLock<Vec<AnyUnit>>; fn update(&self, packet: &Packet) -> Result<(), Error>; fn update_extended(&self, packet: &Packet) -> Result<(), Error>; fn set_crystals(
        crystals: Vec<Arc<CrystalCargoItem>>
    ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn set_cargo_items(&self, items: Vec<AnyCargoItem>) -> Result<(), Error>; fn set_scan_list(&self, list: Vec<AnyUnit>) -> Result<(), Error>; fn set_active(&self, active: bool) -> Result<(), Error>; fn close(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn scan_area(&self, degree: f32, range: f32) -> Result<Vec<AnyUnit>, Error> { ... } fn scan_areas(&self, info: &[ScanInfo]) -> Result<Vec<AnyUnit>, Error> { ... } fn accelerate(&self, movement: &Vector) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn build(
        class: &str,
        name: &str,
        direction: f32,
        crystals: &[Box<CrystalCargoItem>]
    ) -> Result<AnyControllable, Error> { ... } fn kill(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn repair_hull(&self, hull: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn load_shields(&self, amount: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn harvest_nebula(&self, amount: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn flush_cargo(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn produce_crystal(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<CrystalCargoItem>, Error> { ... } fn shoot_full_load(
        direction: &Vector,
        time: u16
    ) -> Result<String, Error> { ... } fn shoot_with_load(
        direction: &Vector,
        time: u16,
        load: f32,
        damage: f32
    ) -> Result<String, Error> { ... } fn shoot(
        direction: &Vector,
        launch_angle: f32,
        time: u16,
        load: f32,
        damage_hull: f32,
        damage_shields: f32,
        damage_energy: f32,
        sub_directions: &[SubDirection]
    ) -> Result<String, Error> { ... } fn transfer_energy(
        destination: &str,
        energy: f32,
        particles: f32,
        ions: f32
    ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn tractorbeam(
        direction: f32,
        range: f32,
        force: f32
    ) -> Result<bool, Error> { ... }

Required Methods

The level of the best component

Provided Methods

Transfer energy to another ship in range of 200

Engages the tractorbeam of the ship into the given direction, range and with the specified force. The tractorbeam changes the movement-Vector of objects towards or away from you. When you affect a [Mobility#Still] or [Mobility#Steady] [Unit] your movement gets affected in the opposite way.

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
