flashpoint-archive 0.7.12

Library to access Flashpoint Archive's database and misc related functions

Flashpoint Archive Rust Library

Rust library for accessing the local database and misc features of the Flashpoint Archive.

Project website: https://flashpointarchive.org/

Feature flags

napi - Adds napi-rs attrs to structs


User input example

use flashpoint_archive::FlashpointArchive;
use flashpoint_archive::games::search::parse_user_input;

fn main() {
    let archive = FlashpointArchive::new();
    archive.load_database(TEST_DATABASE).expect("Failed to open database");

    let mut search = parse_user_input("Sonic platform:Flash");
    search.limit = 9999999; // Default 1000 limit for pages
    let games = archive.find_games(search).expect("Failed to search");