flamegraph 0.1.4

A simple cargo subcommand for generating flamegraphs, using inferno under the hood
# cargo-flamegraph

A simple cargo plugin that generates a flamegraph
for a workload.

Currently only linux is supported via perf, but
this is going to change as inferno gains support
for others.

## Installation

cargo install flamegraph

This will make the `cargo-flamegraph` binary
available in your cargo binary directory.
On linux systems this is usually something
like `~/.cargo/bin`.

## Examples

# defaults to profiling cargo run, which will
# also profile the cargo compilation process
# unless you've previously issued `cargo build`
cargo flamegraph

# if you'd like to profile your release build:
cargo flamegraph --release

# if you'd like to profile a specific binary:
cargo flamegraph --bin=stress2

# if you'd like to profile an arbitrary executable:
cargo flamegraph --exec="sleep 10"

## Usage

    cargo flamegraph [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -r, --release    Activate release mode
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -b, --bin <bin>              Binary to run
    -e, --exec <exec>            Other command to run
    -f, --features <features>    Build features to enable
    -o, --output <output>        Output file, flamegraph.svg if not present

## Enabling perf for use by unpriviledged users

To enable perf without running as root, you may
lower the `perf_event_paranoid` value in proc
to an appropriate level for your environment.
The most permissive value is `-1` but may not
be acceptable for your security needs etc...

echo -1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid