fixnum 0.9.1

Fixed-point numbers with explicit rounding
use crate::FixedPoint;

// TODO: make it Sealed
#[doc(hidden)] // available only in `_priv` for macros.
pub trait Operand<R> {
    type Promotion;
    fn promote(self) -> Self::Promotion;

// TODO: restrict `I` and `P`.
impl<I, P> Operand<FixedPoint<I, P>> for FixedPoint<I, P> {
    type Promotion = FixedPoint<I, P>;
    fn promote(self) -> Self::Promotion {

macro_rules! impl_int_operand {
    ($int:ty => $($to:ty),*) => {
            impl Operand<$to> for $int {
                type Promotion = $to;
                fn promote(self) -> Self::Promotion {

        impl<I, P> Operand<FixedPoint<I, P>> for $int
            where $int: Operand<I>
            type Promotion = <$int as Operand<I>>::Promotion;
            fn promote(self) -> Self::Promotion {


// TODO: unsigned?
impl_int_operand!(i8 => i8, i16, i32, i64, i128);
impl_int_operand!(i16 => i16, i32, i64, i128);
impl_int_operand!(i32 => i32, i64, i128);
impl_int_operand!(i64 => i64, i128);
impl_int_operand!(i128 => i128);

/// Defines an operation for some wrapper. See top-level documentation.
macro_rules! impl_op {
    ($lhs:ty [cadd] $rhs:ty = $res:tt) => {
        impl $crate::ops::CheckedAdd<$rhs> for $lhs {
            type Output = $res;
            type Error = $crate::ArithmeticError;

            fn cadd(self, rhs: $rhs) -> Result<$res, $crate::ArithmeticError> {
                $crate::impl_op!(@checked_method (l = self, r = rhs) => l.cadd(r), $res)

            fn saturating_add(self, rhs: $rhs) -> Self::Output {
                $crate::impl_op!(@method (l = self, r = rhs) => l.saturating_add(r), $res)
    ($lhs:ty [csub] $rhs:ty = $res:tt) => {
        impl $crate::ops::CheckedSub<$rhs> for $lhs {
            type Output = $res;
            type Error = $crate::ArithmeticError;

            fn csub(self, rhs: $rhs) -> Result<$res, $crate::ArithmeticError> {
                $crate::impl_op!(@checked_method (l = self, r = rhs) => l.csub(r), $res)

            fn saturating_sub(self, rhs: $rhs) -> Self::Output {
                $crate::impl_op!(@method (l = self, r = rhs) => l.saturating_sub(r), $res)
    ($lhs:ty [cmul] $rhs:ty = $res:tt) => {
        impl $crate::ops::CheckedMul<$rhs> for $lhs {
            type Output = $res;
            type Error = $crate::ArithmeticError;

            fn cmul(self, rhs: $rhs) -> Result<$res, $crate::ArithmeticError> {
                $crate::impl_op!(@checked_method (l = self, r = rhs) => l.cmul(r), $res)
    ($lhs:ty [rmul] $rhs:ty = $res:tt) => {
        impl $crate::ops::RoundingMul<$rhs> for $lhs {
            type Output = $res;
            type Error = $crate::ArithmeticError;

            fn rmul(
                rhs: $rhs,
                mode: $crate::ops::RoundMode,
            ) -> Result<$res, $crate::ArithmeticError> {
                $crate::impl_op!(@checked_method (l = self, r = rhs) => l.rmul(r, mode), $res)
    ($lhs:ty [rdiv] $rhs:ty = $res:tt) => {
        impl $crate::ops::RoundingDiv<$rhs> for $lhs {
            type Output = $res;
            type Error = $crate::ArithmeticError;

            fn rdiv(
                rhs: $rhs,
                mode: $crate::ops::RoundMode,
            ) -> Result<$res, $crate::ArithmeticError> {
                use core::convert::TryInto;
                $crate::impl_op!(@checked_method (l = self, r = rhs) => {
                        l.try_into().map_err(|_| $crate::ArithmeticError::Overflow)?
                    ).0.rdiv(r, mode)
                }, $res)
    (@method ($l:ident = $lhs:expr, $r:ident = $rhs:expr) => $op:expr, $res:tt) => {{
        use $crate::_priv::*;
        fn up<I, O: Operand<I>>(operand: O, _: impl FnOnce(I) -> $res) -> O::Promotion {
        let $l = up($lhs.0, $res);
        let $r = up($rhs.0, $res);
    (@checked_method ($l:ident = $lhs:expr, $r:ident = $rhs:expr) => $op:expr, $res:tt) => {{
        use $crate::_priv::*;
        fn up<I, O: Operand<I>>(operand: O, _: impl FnOnce(I) -> $res) -> O::Promotion {
        let $l = up($lhs.0, $res);
        let $r = up($rhs.0, $res);

/// Macro to create fixed-point const "literals".
/// ```
/// use derive_more::From;
/// use fixnum::{FixedPoint, typenum::U9, fixnum_const};
/// type Amount = FixedPoint<i64, U9>;
/// const AMOUNT: Amount = fixnum_const!(12.34, 9);
/// ```
/// Probably you'd like to implement your own wrapper around this macro (see also `examples`).
/// ```
/// use fixnum::{FixedPoint, typenum::U9};
/// type Amount = FixedPoint<i64, U9>;
/// macro_rules! fp_const {
///     ($value:literal) => {
///         fixnum::fixnum_const!($value, 9);
///     };
/// }
/// const AMOUNT: Amount = fp_const!(12.34);
/// ```
macro_rules! fixnum_const {
    ($value:literal, $precision:literal) => {{
        use $crate::FixedPoint;
        use $crate::_priv::*;
        const VALUE_INNER: Int = parse_fixed(stringify!($value), pow10($precision));
        FixedPoint::from_bits(VALUE_INNER as _)

/// Macro to create fixed-point "literals". Contains `.into()` call inside so you can use it with your
/// `From<FixedPoint>` wrapper types.
/// ```
/// use derive_more::From;
/// use fixnum::{FixedPoint, typenum::U9, fixnum};
/// type Currency = FixedPoint<i64, U9>;
/// #[derive(From)]
/// struct Price(Currency);
/// #[derive(From)]
/// struct Deposit(Currency);
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// let p: Price = fixnum!(12.34, 9);
/// let d: Deposit = fixnum!(-0.4321, 9);
/// # Ok(()) }
/// ```
/// Probably you'd like to implement your own wrapper around this macro (see also `examples`).
/// ```
/// use fixnum::{FixedPoint, typenum::U9};
/// type Currency = FixedPoint<i64, U9>;
/// macro_rules! fp {
///     ($val:literal) => {
///         fixnum::fixnum!($val, 9);
///     };
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// let c: Currency = fp!(12.34);
/// # Ok(()) }
/// ```
macro_rules! fixnum {
    ($value:literal, $precision:literal) => {
        $crate::fixnum_const!($value, $precision).into()