macro_rules! const_fixed_from_int {
    ($($vis:vis const $NAME:ident: $Fixed:ty = $int:expr;)*) => { ... };
👎Deprecated since 1.20.0: use the const_from_int method instead
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Defines constant fixed-point numbers from integer expressions.

This macro was useful because from_num cannot be used in constant expressions. Now constant fixed-point numbers can be created using the const_from_int method or the lit method, so this macro is deprecated.


use fixed::{const_fixed_from_int, types::I16F16};
const_fixed_from_int! {
    // define a constant using an integer
    const FIVE: I16F16 = 5;
    // define a constant using an integer expression
    const SUM: I16F16 = 3 + 2;
assert_eq!(FIVE, 5);
assert_eq!(SUM, 5);

This can now be rewritten as

use fixed::types::I16F16;
const FIVE: I16F16 = I16F16::const_from_int(5);
const SUM: I16F16 = I16F16::const_from_int(3 + 2);
assert_eq!(FIVE, 5);
assert_eq!(SUM, 5);