fixed 2.0.0-alpha.9

Fixed-point numbers
// Copyright © 2018–2023 Trevor Spiteri

// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of either
//   * the Apache License, Version 2.0 or
//   * the MIT License
// at your option.
// You should have recieved copies of the Apache License and the MIT
// License along with the library. If not, see
// <> and
// <>.

use crate::{
    float_helper, int_helper, FixedI128, FixedI16, FixedI32, FixedI64, FixedI8, FixedU128,
    FixedU16, FixedU32, FixedU64, FixedU8, F128,
use core::{
    ops::{Shl, Shr},
use half::{bf16, f16};

macro_rules! fixed_cmp_int {
    ($Fix:ident($nbits:expr), $Int:ident, $IntAs:ident, $IntFixed:ident) => {
        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialEq<$Int> for $Fix<FRAC> {
            fn eq(&self, rhs: &$Int) -> bool {
                let fixed_rhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*rhs as $IntAs);
                PartialEq::eq(self, &fixed_rhs)

        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialEq<$Fix<FRAC>> for $Int {
            fn eq(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> bool {
                let fixed_lhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*self as $IntAs);
                PartialEq::eq(&fixed_lhs, rhs)

        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialOrd<$Int> for $Fix<FRAC> {
            fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &$Int) -> Option<Ordering> {
                let fixed_rhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*rhs as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::partial_cmp(self, &fixed_rhs)

            fn lt(&self, rhs: &$Int) -> bool {
                let fixed_rhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*rhs as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::lt(self, &fixed_rhs)

            fn le(&self, rhs: &$Int) -> bool {
                let fixed_rhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*rhs as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::le(self, &fixed_rhs)

            fn gt(&self, rhs: &$Int) -> bool {
                let fixed_rhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*rhs as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::gt(self, &fixed_rhs)

            fn ge(&self, rhs: &$Int) -> bool {
                let fixed_rhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*rhs as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::ge(self, &fixed_rhs)

        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialOrd<$Fix<FRAC>> for $Int {
            fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> Option<Ordering> {
                let fixed_lhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*self as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::partial_cmp(&fixed_lhs, rhs)

            fn lt(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> bool {
                let fixed_lhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*self as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::lt(&fixed_lhs, rhs)

            fn le(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> bool {
                let fixed_lhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*self as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::le(&fixed_lhs, rhs)

            fn gt(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> bool {
                let fixed_lhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*self as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::gt(&fixed_lhs, rhs)

            fn ge(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> bool {
                let fixed_lhs = $IntFixed::<0>::from_bits(*self as $IntAs);
                PartialOrd::ge(&fixed_lhs, rhs)

// Zero must NOT be neg
struct Value<U> {
    neg: bool,
    abs: U,
    bits: u32,
    frac_bits: i32,

// lhs_frac >= rhs_frac
fn float_rhs_shl<U>(rhs_abs: U, bits: u32, lhs_frac: i32, rhs_frac: i32) -> Option<U>
    U: Copy + Eq + TryFrom<u32> + Shl<u32, Output = U> + Shr<u32, Output = U>,
    debug_assert!(lhs_frac >= rhs_frac);
    let rhs_shl = lhs_frac.wrapping_sub(rhs_frac) as u32;
    let rhs_zero = match U::try_from(0u32) {
        Ok(zero) => zero,
        Err(_) => unreachable!(),
    if rhs_abs == rhs_zero {
    } else if rhs_shl >= bits {
    } else {
        let shifted = rhs_abs << rhs_shl;
        if (shifted >> rhs_shl) == rhs_abs {
        } else {

fn float_eq_even<U>(lhs: Value<U>, rhs: Value<U>) -> bool
    U: Copy + Eq + TryFrom<u32> + Shl<u32, Output = U> + Shr<u32, Output = U>,
    if lhs.frac_bits < rhs.frac_bits {
        return float_eq_even(rhs, lhs);

    if lhs.neg != rhs.neg {
        return false;

    // lhs.frac_bits >= rhs.frac_bits
    match float_rhs_shl(rhs.abs, rhs.bits, lhs.frac_bits, rhs.frac_bits) {
        None => false,
        Some(shifted_rhs_abs) => lhs.abs == shifted_rhs_abs,

fn float_eq<Lhs, Rhs>(lhs: Value<Lhs>, rhs: Value<Rhs>) -> bool
    Lhs: Copy + Eq + TryFrom<u32> + TryFrom<Rhs> + Shl<u32, Output = Lhs> + Shr<u32, Output = Lhs>,
    Rhs: Copy + Eq + TryFrom<u32> + TryFrom<Lhs> + Shl<u32, Output = Rhs> + Shr<u32, Output = Rhs>,
    if lhs.bits >= rhs.bits {
        let rhs_abs = match Lhs::try_from(rhs.abs) {
            Ok(abs) => abs,
            Err(_) => unreachable!(),
        let rhs = Value {
            neg: rhs.neg,
            abs: rhs_abs,
            bits: lhs.bits,
            frac_bits: rhs.frac_bits,
        float_eq_even(lhs, rhs)
    } else {
        let lhs_abs = match Rhs::try_from(lhs.abs) {
            Ok(abs) => abs,
            Err(_) => unreachable!(),
        let lhs = Value {
            neg: lhs.neg,
            abs: lhs_abs,
            bits: rhs.bits,
            frac_bits: lhs.frac_bits,
        float_eq_even(lhs, rhs)

fn float_cmp_even<U>(lhs: Value<U>, rhs: Value<U>) -> Ordering
    U: Copy + Ord + TryFrom<u32> + Shl<u32, Output = U> + Shr<u32, Output = U>,
    if lhs.frac_bits < rhs.frac_bits {
        return float_cmp_even(rhs, lhs).reverse();

    if !lhs.neg && rhs.neg {
        return Ordering::Greater;
    if lhs.neg && !rhs.neg {
        return Ordering::Less;

    match float_rhs_shl(rhs.abs, rhs.bits, lhs.frac_bits, rhs.frac_bits) {
        None => {
            // rhs is so large it doesn't fit
            if lhs.neg {
                // both lhs and rhs are negative, and rhs is even more negative
            } else {
        Some(shifted_rhs_abs) => {
            if lhs.neg {
                // both lhs are negative, so reverse order
            } else {

fn float_cmp<Lhs, Rhs>(lhs: Value<Lhs>, rhs: Value<Rhs>) -> Ordering
    Lhs: Copy + Ord + TryFrom<u32> + TryFrom<Rhs> + Shl<u32, Output = Lhs> + Shr<u32, Output = Lhs>,
    Rhs: Copy + Ord + TryFrom<u32> + TryFrom<Lhs> + Shl<u32, Output = Rhs> + Shr<u32, Output = Rhs>,
    if lhs.bits >= rhs.bits {
        let rhs_abs = match Lhs::try_from(rhs.abs) {
            Ok(abs) => abs,
            Err(_) => unreachable!(),
        let rhs = Value {
            neg: rhs.neg,
            abs: rhs_abs,
            bits: lhs.bits,
            frac_bits: rhs.frac_bits,
        float_cmp_even(lhs, rhs)
    } else {
        let lhs_abs = match Rhs::try_from(lhs.abs) {
            Ok(abs) => abs,
            Err(_) => unreachable!(),
        let lhs = Value {
            neg: lhs.neg,
            abs: lhs_abs,
            bits: rhs.bits,
            frac_bits: lhs.frac_bits,
        float_cmp_even(lhs, rhs)

macro_rules! fixed_cmp_float {
    ($Fix:ident($nbits:expr, $Inner:ident), $Float:ident, $FloatBits:ident) => {
        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialEq<$Float> for $Fix<FRAC> {
            fn eq(&self, rhs: &$Float) -> bool {
                use float_helper::$Float::Kind;
                let (lhs_neg, lhs_abs) = int_helper::$Inner::neg_abs(self.to_bits());
                let lhs = Value {
                    neg: lhs_neg,
                    abs: lhs_abs,
                    bits: $Inner::BITS,
                    frac_bits: FRAC,
                let (rhs_neg, rhs_abs, rhs_frac) = match float_helper::$Float::kind(*rhs) {
                    Kind::Finite {
                    } => (neg, abs, frac_bits),
                    _ => return false,
                let rhs = Value {
                    neg: rhs_neg,
                    abs: rhs_abs,
                    bits: $FloatBits::BITS,
                    frac_bits: rhs_frac,

                float_eq(lhs, rhs)

        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialEq<$Fix<FRAC>> for $Float {
            fn eq(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> bool {

        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialOrd<$Float> for $Fix<FRAC> {
            fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &$Float) -> Option<Ordering> {
                use float_helper::$Float::Kind;
                let (lhs_neg, lhs_abs) = int_helper::$Inner::neg_abs(self.to_bits());
                let lhs = Value {
                    neg: lhs_neg,
                    abs: lhs_abs,
                    bits: $Inner::BITS,
                    frac_bits: FRAC,
                let (rhs_neg, rhs_abs, rhs_frac) = match float_helper::$Float::kind(*rhs) {
                    Kind::Finite {
                    } => (neg, abs, frac_bits),
                    Kind::Infinite { neg } => {
                        return if neg {
                        } else {
                    Kind::NaN => return None,
                let rhs = Value {
                    neg: rhs_neg,
                    abs: rhs_abs,
                    bits: $FloatBits::BITS,
                    frac_bits: rhs_frac,

                Some(float_cmp(lhs, rhs))

        impl<const FRAC: i32> PartialOrd<$Fix<FRAC>> for $Float {
            fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &$Fix<FRAC>) -> Option<Ordering> {

macro_rules! fixed_cmp_prim {
    ($Fix:ident($nbits:expr, $Inner:ident)) => {
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), i8, i8, FixedI8 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), i16, i16, FixedI16 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), i32, i32, FixedI32 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), i64, i64, FixedI64 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), i128, i128, FixedI128 }
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), isize, i16, FixedI16 }
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), isize, i32, FixedI32 }
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), isize, i64, FixedI64 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), u8, u8, FixedU8 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), u16, u16, FixedU16 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), u32, u32, FixedU32 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), u64, u64, FixedU64 }
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), u128, u128, FixedU128 }
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), usize, u16, FixedU16 }
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), usize, u32, FixedU32 }
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
        fixed_cmp_int! { $Fix($nbits), usize, u64, FixedU64 }
        fixed_cmp_float! { $Fix($nbits, $Inner), f16, u16 }
        fixed_cmp_float! { $Fix($nbits, $Inner), bf16, u16 }
        fixed_cmp_float! { $Fix($nbits, $Inner), f32, u32 }
        fixed_cmp_float! { $Fix($nbits, $Inner), f64, u64 }
        fixed_cmp_float! { $Fix($nbits, $Inner), F128, u128 }

fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedI8(8, i8) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedI16(16, i16) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedI32(32, i32) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedI64(64, i64) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedI128(128, i128) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedU8(8, u8) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedU16(16, u16) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedU32(32, u32) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedU64(64, u64) }
fixed_cmp_prim! { FixedU128(128, u128) }

mod tests {
    use crate::*;
    use core::cmp::Ordering;
    use half::{bf16, f16};

    fn cmp_signed() {
        use core::cmp::Ordering::*;
        let neg1_16 = FixedI32::<16>::NEG_ONE;
        let neg1_20 = FixedI32::<20>::NEG_ONE;
        let mut a = neg1_16;
        let mut b = neg1_20;
        // a = ffff.0000 = -1, b = fff.00000 = -1
        assert!(a.eq(&b) && b.eq(&a));
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(a, -1i8);
        assert_eq!(b, -1i128);
        a >>= 16;
        b >>= 16;
        // a = ffff.ffff = -2^-16, b = fff.ffff0 = -2^-16
        assert!(a.eq(&b) && b.eq(&a));
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Equal));
        assert!(a < 0.0);
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&f32::INFINITY), Some(Less));
        assert!(a < f32::INFINITY);
        assert!(a != f32::INFINITY);
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&f32::NEG_INFINITY), Some(Greater));
        assert!(a > f32::NEG_INFINITY);
        assert_eq!(a, -(-16f32).exp2());
        assert!(a <= -(-16f32).exp2());
        assert!(a >= -(-16f32).exp2());
        assert!(a < (-16f32).exp2());
        assert_ne!(a, -0.75 * (-16f32).exp2());
        assert!(a < -0.75 * (-16f32).exp2());
        assert!(a <= -0.75 * (-16f32).exp2());
        assert!(a > -1.25 * (-16f32).exp2());
        assert!(a >= -1.25 * (-16f32).exp2());
        a >>= 1;
        b >>= 1;
        // a = ffff.ffff = -2^-16, b = fff.ffff8 = -2^-17
        assert!( &&;
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Less));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Greater));
        a = neg1_16 << 11;
        b = neg1_20 << 11;
        // a = f800.0000 = -2^11, b = 800.00000 = -2^11
        assert!(a.eq(&b) && b.eq(&a));
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(a, -1i16 << 11);
        assert_eq!(b, -1i64 << 11);
        a <<= 1;
        b <<= 1;
        // a = f000.0000 = -2^-12, b = 000.00000 = 0
        assert!( &&;
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Less));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Greater));
        assert!(a < 1u8);
        assert_eq!(b, 0);

    fn cmp_unsigned() {
        use core::cmp::Ordering::*;
        let one_16 = FixedU32::<16>::ONE;
        let one_20 = FixedU32::<20>::ONE;
        let mut a = one_16;
        let mut b = one_20;
        // a = 0001.0000 = 1, b = 001.00000 = 1
        assert!(a.eq(&b) && b.eq(&a));
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(a, 1u8);
        assert_eq!(b, 1i128);
        a >>= 16;
        b >>= 16;
        // a = 0000.0001 = 2^-16, b = 000.00010 = 2^-16
        assert!(a.eq(&b) && b.eq(&a));
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Equal));
        assert!(a > 0.0);
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&f32::INFINITY), Some(Less));
        assert!(a < f32::INFINITY);
        assert!(a != f32::INFINITY);
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&f32::NEG_INFINITY), Some(Greater));
        assert!(a > f32::NEG_INFINITY);
        assert_eq!(a, (-16f64).exp2());
        assert!(a <= (-16f64).exp2());
        assert!(a >= (-16f64).exp2());
        assert!(a > -(-16f64).exp2());
        assert_ne!(a, 0.75 * (-16f64).exp2());
        assert!(a > 0.75 * (-16f64).exp2());
        assert!(a >= 0.75 * (-16f64).exp2());
        assert!(a < 1.25 * (-16f64).exp2());
        assert!(a <= 1.25 * (-16f64).exp2());
        a >>= 1;
        b >>= 1;
        // a = 0000.0000 = 0, b = 000.00008 = 2^-17
        assert!( &&;
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Less));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Greater));
        a = one_16 << 11;
        b = one_20 << 11;
        // a = 0800.0000 = 2^11, b = 800.00000 = 2^11
        assert!(a.eq(&b) && b.eq(&a));
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Equal));
        assert_eq!(a, 1i16 << 11);
        assert_eq!(b, 1u64 << 11);
        a <<= 1;
        b <<= 1;
        // a = 1000.0000 = 2^12, b = 000.00000 = 0
        assert!( &&;
        assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Greater));
        assert_eq!(b.partial_cmp(&a), Some(Less));
        assert!(a > -1i8);
        assert_eq!(a, 1i32 << 12);
        assert_eq!(b, 0);

    fn cmp_i0() {
        use crate::types::*;
        assert_eq!(I0F32::checked_from_num(0.5), None);
        for &float in &[
            -0.5 + f32::EPSILON,
            0.5 - f32::EPSILON,
        ] {
            let fixed = I0F32::from_num(float);
            let half = U0F32::from_num(0.5);
            assert_eq!(fixed < half, float < 0.5, "{fixed} < {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= half, float <= 0.5, "{fixed} <= {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == half, float == 0.5, "{fixed} == {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= half, float >= 0.5, "{fixed} >= {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > half, float > 0.5, "{fixed} > {half}");
            assert_eq!(half < fixed, fixed > half);
            assert_eq!(half <= fixed, fixed >= half);
            assert_eq!(half == fixed, fixed == half);
            assert_eq!(half >= fixed, fixed <= half);
            assert_eq!(half > fixed, fixed < half);

            let half = I1F31::from_num(0.5);
            assert_eq!(fixed < half, float < 0.5, "{fixed} < {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= half, float <= 0.5, "{fixed} <= {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == half, float == 0.5, "{fixed} == {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= half, float >= 0.5, "{fixed} >= {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > half, float > 0.5, "{fixed} > {half}");
            assert_eq!(half < fixed, fixed > half);
            assert_eq!(half <= fixed, fixed >= half);
            assert_eq!(half == fixed, fixed == half);
            assert_eq!(half >= fixed, fixed <= half);
            assert_eq!(half > fixed, fixed < half);

            let half = 0.5f32;
            assert_eq!(fixed < half, float < 0.5, "{fixed} < {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= half, float <= 0.5, "{fixed} <= {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == half, float == 0.5, "{fixed} == {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= half, float >= 0.5, "{fixed} >= {half}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > half, float > 0.5, "{fixed} > {half}");
            assert_eq!(half < fixed, fixed > half);
            assert_eq!(half <= fixed, fixed >= half);
            assert_eq!(half == fixed, fixed == half);
            assert_eq!(half >= fixed, fixed <= half);
            assert_eq!(half > fixed, fixed < half);

            let m1 = I32F0::from_num(-1.0);
            assert_eq!(fixed < m1, float < -1.0, "{fixed} < {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= m1, float <= -1.0, "{fixed} <= {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == m1, float == -1.0, "{fixed} == {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= m1, float >= -1.0, "{fixed} >= {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > m1, float > -1.0, "{fixed} > {m1}");
            assert_eq!(m1 < fixed, fixed > m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 <= fixed, fixed >= m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 == fixed, fixed == m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 >= fixed, fixed <= m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 > fixed, fixed < m1);

            let m1 = I1F31::from_num(-1.0);
            assert_eq!(fixed < m1, float < -1.0, "{fixed} < {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= m1, float <= -1.0, "{fixed} <= {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == m1, float == -1.0, "{fixed} == {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= m1, float >= -1.0, "{fixed} >= {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > m1, float > -1.0, "{fixed} > {m1}");
            assert_eq!(m1 < fixed, fixed > m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 <= fixed, fixed >= m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 == fixed, fixed == m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 >= fixed, fixed <= m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 > fixed, fixed < m1);

            let m1 = -1.0f32;
            assert_eq!(fixed < m1, float < -1.0, "{fixed} < {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= m1, float <= -1.0, "{fixed} <= {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == m1, float == -1.0, "{fixed} == {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= m1, float >= -1.0, "{fixed} >= {m1}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > m1, float > -1.0, "{fixed} > {m1}");
            assert_eq!(m1 < fixed, fixed > m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 <= fixed, fixed >= m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 == fixed, fixed == m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 >= fixed, fixed <= m1);
            assert_eq!(m1 > fixed, fixed < m1);

            let mhalf = I1F31::from_num(-0.5);
            assert_eq!(fixed < mhalf, float < -0.5, "{fixed} < {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= mhalf, float <= -0.5, "{fixed} <= {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == mhalf, float == -0.5, "{fixed} == {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= mhalf, float >= -0.5, "{fixed} >= {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > mhalf, float > -0.5, "{fixed} > {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(mhalf < fixed, fixed > mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf <= fixed, fixed >= mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf == fixed, fixed == mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf >= fixed, fixed <= mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf > fixed, fixed < mhalf);

            let mhalf = -0.5f32;
            assert_eq!(fixed < mhalf, float < -0.5, "{fixed} < {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed <= mhalf, float <= -0.5, "{fixed} <= {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed == mhalf, float == -0.5, "{fixed} == {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed >= mhalf, float >= -0.5, "{fixed} >= {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(fixed > mhalf, float > -0.5, "{fixed} > {mhalf}");
            assert_eq!(mhalf < fixed, fixed > mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf <= fixed, fixed >= mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf == fixed, fixed == mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf >= fixed, fixed <= mhalf);
            assert_eq!(mhalf > fixed, fixed < mhalf);

    fn f16_consts() {
        assert_eq!(f16::ZERO, FixedI16::<8>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(f16::NEG_ZERO, FixedI16::<8>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(f16::ZERO, f16::NEG_ZERO);
        assert_eq!(f16::ONE, FixedI16::<8>::ONE);
        assert_eq!(f16::NEG_ONE, FixedI16::<8>::NEG_ONE);

        // min positive normal
        assert_eq!(f16::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI16::<14>::DELTA);
        assert_eq!(f16::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI16::<24>::from_bits(1 << 10));
        // max subnormal
        let max_subnormal = f16::from_bits(f16::MIN_POSITIVE.to_bits() - 1);
        assert_eq!(max_subnormal, FixedI16::<24>::from_bits((1 << 10) - 1));
        // min positive subnormal
        assert_eq!(f16::from_bits(1), FixedI16::<24>::DELTA);

        // max, min
        assert_eq!(f16::MAX, FixedI16::<-5>::from_bits((1 << 11) - 1));
        assert_eq!(f16::MIN, FixedI16::<-5>::from_bits(1 - (1 << 11)));

    fn bf16_consts() {
        assert_eq!(bf16::ZERO, FixedI16::<8>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(bf16::NEG_ZERO, FixedI16::<8>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(bf16::ZERO, bf16::NEG_ZERO);
        assert_eq!(bf16::ONE, FixedI16::<8>::ONE);
        assert_eq!(bf16::NEG_ONE, FixedI16::<8>::NEG_ONE);

        // min positive normal
        assert_eq!(bf16::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI16::<126>::DELTA);
        assert_eq!(bf16::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI16::<133>::from_bits(1 << 7));
        // max subnormal
        let max_subnormal = bf16::from_bits(bf16::MIN_POSITIVE.to_bits() - 1);
        assert_eq!(max_subnormal, FixedI16::<133>::from_bits((1 << 7) - 1));
        // min positive subnormal
        assert_eq!(bf16::from_bits(1), FixedI16::<133>::DELTA);

        // max, min
        assert_eq!(bf16::MAX, FixedI16::<-120>::from_bits((1 << 8) - 1));
        assert_eq!(bf16::MIN, FixedI16::<-120>::from_bits(1 - (1 << 8)));

    fn f32_consts() {
        assert_eq!(0f32, FixedI32::<16>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(-0f32, FixedI32::<16>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(0f32, -0f32);
        assert_eq!(1f32, FixedI32::<16>::ONE);
        assert_eq!(-1f32, FixedI32::<16>::NEG_ONE);

        // min positive normal
        assert_eq!(f32::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI32::<126>::DELTA);
        assert_eq!(f32::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI32::<149>::from_bits(1 << 23));
        // max subnormal
        let max_subnormal = f32::from_bits(f32::MIN_POSITIVE.to_bits() - 1);
        assert_eq!(max_subnormal, FixedI32::<149>::from_bits((1 << 23) - 1));
        // min positive subnormal
        assert_eq!(f32::from_bits(1), FixedI32::<149>::DELTA);

        // max, min
        assert_eq!(f32::MAX, FixedI32::<-104>::from_bits((1 << 24) - 1));
        assert_eq!(f32::MIN, FixedI32::<-104>::from_bits(1 - (1 << 24)));

    fn f64_consts() {
        assert_eq!(0f64, FixedI64::<32>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(-0f64, FixedI64::<32>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(0f64, -0f64);
        assert_eq!(1f64, FixedI64::<32>::ONE);
        assert_eq!(-1f64, FixedI64::<32>::NEG_ONE);

        // min positive normal
        assert_eq!(f64::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI64::<1022>::DELTA);
        assert_eq!(f64::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI64::<1074>::from_bits(1 << 52));
        // max subnormal
        let max_subnormal = f64::from_bits(f64::MIN_POSITIVE.to_bits() - 1);
        assert_eq!(max_subnormal, FixedI64::<1074>::from_bits((1 << 52) - 1));
        // min positive subnormal
        assert_eq!(f64::from_bits(1), FixedI64::<1074>::DELTA);

        // max, min
        assert_eq!(f64::MAX, FixedI64::<-971>::from_bits((1 << 53) - 1));
        assert_eq!(f64::MIN, FixedI64::<-971>::from_bits(1 - (1 << 53)));

    fn f128_consts() {
        assert_eq!(F128::ZERO, FixedI128::<64>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(F128::NEG_ZERO, FixedI128::<64>::ZERO);
        assert_eq!(F128::ZERO, F128::NEG_ZERO);
        assert_eq!(F128::ONE, FixedI128::<64>::ONE);
        assert_eq!(F128::NEG_ONE, FixedI128::<64>::NEG_ONE);

        // min positive normal
        assert_eq!(F128::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI128::<16382>::DELTA);
        assert_eq!(F128::MIN_POSITIVE, FixedI128::<16494>::from_bits(1 << 112));
        // max subnormal
        let max_subnormal = F128::from_bits(F128::MIN_POSITIVE.to_bits() - 1);
        assert_eq!(max_subnormal, FixedI128::<16494>::from_bits((1 << 112) - 1));
        // min positive subnormal
        assert_eq!(F128::MIN_POSITIVE_SUB, FixedI128::<16494>::DELTA);

        // max, min
        assert_eq!(F128::MAX, FixedI128::<-16271>::from_bits((1 << 113) - 1));
        assert_eq!(F128::MIN, FixedI128::<-16271>::from_bits(1 - (1 << 113)));