fixed-buffer 0.5.0

Fixed-size buffers for network protocol parsers
/// Convert a byte slice into a string.
/// Includes printable ASCII characters as-is.
/// Converts non-printable or non-ASCII characters to strings like "\n" and "\x19".
/// Uses
/// [`core::ascii::escape_default`](
/// internally to escape each byte.
/// This function is useful for printing byte slices to logs and comparing byte slices in tests.
/// Example test:
/// ```
/// use fixed_buffer::escape_ascii;
/// assert_eq!("abc", escape_ascii(b"abc"));
/// assert_eq!("abc\\n", escape_ascii(b"abc\n"));
/// assert_eq!(
///     "Euro sign: \\xe2\\x82\\xac",
///     escape_ascii("Euro sign: \u{20AC}".as_bytes())
/// );
/// assert_eq!("\\x01\\x02\\x03", escape_ascii(&[1, 2, 3]));
/// ```
pub fn escape_ascii(input: &[u8]) -> String {
    let mut result = String::new();
    for byte in input {
        for ascii_byte in core::ascii::escape_default(*byte) {