fishrock_lambda_http 0.3.0-patched.1

Application Load Balancer and API Gateway event types for AWS Lambda

Enriches the lambda crate with http types targeting AWS ALB, API Gateway REST and HTTP API lambda integrations.

This crate abstracts over all of these trigger events using standard http types minimizing the mental overhead of understanding the nuances and variation between trigger details allowing you to focus more on your application while also giving you to the maximum flexibility to transparently use whichever lambda trigger suits your application and cost optimiztions best.


Hello World

The following example is how you would structure your Lambda such that you have a main function where you explicitly invoke lambda_runtime::run in combination with the handler function. This pattern allows you to utilize global initialization of tools such as loggers, to use on warm invokes to the same Lambda function after the first request, helping to reduce the latency of your function's execution path.

use lambda_http::{handler, lambda_runtime::{self, Error}};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
// initialize dependencies once here for the lifetime of your
// lambda task
lambda_runtime::run(handler(|request, context| async { Ok("👋 world!") })).await?;

Leveraging trigger provided data

You can also access information provided directly from the underlying trigger events, like query string parameters, with the RequestExt trait.

use lambda_http::{handler, lambda_runtime::{self, Context, Error}, IntoResponse, Request, RequestExt};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

async fn hello(
request: Request,
_: Context
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, Error> {
"hello {}",
.unwrap_or_else(|| "stranger")