fishnet 2.0.0-beta.2

Distributed Stockfish analysis for
fishnet-2.0.0-beta.2 is not a library.

fishnet: distributed Stockfish analysis for Build


  1. Request your personal fishnet key:

  2. Install and run the fishnet client.

    Download standalone binary

    Select the binary for your platform from the latest release and run it.

    # After download:
    chmod +x fishnet-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    ./fishnet-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --auto-update

    Other useful commands:

    ./fishnet-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu configure # Rerun the configuration dialog
    ./fishnet-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu systemd   # Generate a systemd service file
    ./fishnet-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --help    # List all commands and options

    From source

    Assuming you have a recent Rust toolchain installed:

    git clone --recursive
    cd fishnet
    cargo run --release --

    Via Docker

    Not yet available for 2.x.

Video tutorial (outdated since 2.x)

Video introducation


Which engine does fishnet use?

fishnet uses Stockfish 12 (hence the name) and a fork of Stockfish with multi-variant support.

Precompiled builds for various CPU models come bundled with fishnet. To get another architecture included, all we need is a reproducible build process (so everyone can verify that the compiled binary matches the source).

What are the requirements?

  • Available for
    • Linux on Intel, AMD, and ARMv8 CPUs
    • Windows on Intel and AMD CPUs
    • OS X on Intel (and AMD) CPUs, upon request
  • Will max out the configured number of CPU cores
  • Uses about 64 MiB RAM per CPU core
  • A small amount of disk space
  • Low-bandwidth network communication with Lichess servers (only outgoing HTTP requests, so probably no firewall configuration required)

Is my CPU fast enough?

Almost all processors will be able to meet the requirement of ~2 meganodes in 6 seconds. Clients on the faster end will automatically be assigned analysis jobs that have humans waiting for the result (the user queue, as opposed to the system queue for slower clients).

What happens if I stop my client?

Feel free to turn your client on and off at any time. By default, the client will try to finish any batches it has already started. On immediate shutdown, the client tries to inform Lichess that batches should be reassigned. If even that fails, Lichess will reassign the batches after a timeout.

Will fishnet use my GPU?

No, Stockfish is a classical alpha-beta engine. The neural network evaluation of Stockfish NNUE works efficiently on CPUs.

Is fishnet secure?

To the best of our knowledge. However you implicitly trust the authors and the GitHub infrastructure when running with --auto-update.

You can mitigate this by running fishnet as an unprivileged user.

Stockfish builds are reproducible, so you can verify that the distributed binaries match the source.

Is there a leaderboard of contributors?

No, sorry, not publically. It would incentivize gaming the metrics.

Is there a Docker image?

Not yet available for fishnet 2.x.

Can I autoscale fishnet in the cloud?

There is currently no ready-made solution, but an API for monitoring the job queue status is provided.


Sequence diagram

See for details.


fishnet is licensed under the GPLv3+. See LICENSE.txt for the full license text.