finitefields 0.1.1

Perform algebraic operations between integers over a finite field

finitefields documentation Build Status Byy Me A Coffee

Allows to perform simple algebraic operations over a finite field


  • value - number be represented as value % modulo
  • modulo - An integer corresponding to the size of the modular space. For this to be a finite field it must be a prime number!


  • addition
  • subtraction
  • multiplication
  • division
  • inversion


// Simple operations within a finite field

use finitefields::{FF,Finitefield,primes};

fn main(){
    // Pick a prime
    let modulo = primes::PRIMES31[0];
    // Define numbers to be cast into our field
    let num1: FF = 23742687;
    let num2: FF = 87129774;

    let fnum1 = Finitefield::new(num1, modulo).unwrap();
    let fnum2 = Finitefield::new(num2, modulo).unwrap();

    // Compute product
    let product = fnum1 * fnum2;
    assert_eq!(product.value, 174523906);

    // Compute the inverse of the product
    let product_inv = product.inverse().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(product_inv.value, 486606559);

    // Multiply by the product
    assert_eq!((product * product_inv).value, 1);