finchers 0.6.0

A combinator library for builidng HTTP services, based on Hyper and Futures
<a name="0.6.0"></a>
## 0.6.0 (2017-12-11)

#### Features

* **endpoint:**
  *  add a method 'with_type' ([7d3e4cec]
  *  make the error type of some endpoints generic ([43229e02], breaks [#]
  *  rename `Path` and `PathSeq` to `PathParam` and `PathParams`, and so on ([1facb7d9], breaks [#]
  *  add missing trait bounds ([caf35bad]
* **path:**  add a new endpoint `PathSegment` to represents the matcher of a path segment ([f6c59a74], breaks [#]

#### Bug Fixes

* **context:**  change return type of collect_ramaining_segments() ([f9bfbb23]
* **endpoint:**  ensure that the length of remaining path segments be equal to zero, in `MatchMethod` ([1aad4a35]
* **json:**  make the support for JSON parsing/responder deprecated ([a605da89], breaks [#]

#### Breaking Changes

* **endpoint:**
  *  make the error type of some endpoints generic ([43229e02], breaks [#]
  *  rename `Path` and `PathSeq` to `PathParam` and `PathParams`, and so on ([1facb7d9], breaks [#]
* **json:**
  *  make the support for JSON parsing/responder deprecated ([a605da89], breaks [#]
  * the JSON parsing/responder has been moved to `finchers_json` ([21d44294]
* **path:**  add a new endpoint `PathSegment` to represents the matcher of a path segment ([f6c59a74], breaks [#]

<a name="0.5.1"></a>
### 0.5.1 (2017-12-07)

#### Bug Fixes

* **server:**  change the type of `Server::addr` from `&'static str` to `String` ([6c13abb0]

<a name="0.5.0"></a>
## 0.5.0 (2017-09-17)

#### Bug Fixes

*   modify `FromParam` ([4b1c940e]
*   move definition of associated constant to `PathExt` ([72d3c9e4], breaks [#]
*   remove the associated type `FromBody::Future` ([4ee58c13], breaks [#]
*   add a trait method `FromBody::check_request()` ([7c50c450], breaks [#]
*   define `FromPath` ([51a155b3]
*   remove constants from `endpoint::path`, and replace them with the associated const `PathConst::PATH` ([576a5ab6]
*   use `NoReturn` instead of `FinchersError` ([dfb4d4bc]
*   remove unnecessary constraints from `With` and `Skip` ([8b71bf00]
*   change trait bound of `Server::run_http()` ([50223aac], breaks [#]
*   update example ([da30d6dd]
*   add the associated type constraint to `Endpoint::or` ([7aef7bba], breaks [#]

#### Features

*   add `Form` and helpers ([d7458d52]

#### Breaking Changes

*   move definition of associated constant to `PathExt` ([72d3c9e4], breaks [#]
*   remove the associated type `FromBody::Future` ([4ee58c13], breaks [#]
*   add a trait method `FromBody::check_request()` ([7c50c450], breaks [#]
*   change trait bound of `Server::run_http()` ([50223aac], breaks [#]
*   add the associated type constraint to `Endpoint::or` ([7aef7bba], breaks [#]

<a name="0.4.0"></a>
## 0.4.0 (2017-08-26)

#### Bug Fixes
*   move ownership of some members in `Context` to outside ([d233ee28]
*   change the name of module `endpoint::param` to `endpoint::query` ([7d8d1d85]
*   change the signature of `Endpoint::apply()` ([3a2ea793], breaks [#]

#### Features
*   add `FromBody::Error` ([bcd1f6b7]
*   export the handle of event loop ([fd84c9b8]
*   add `Then` ([6f44b59b]
*   add an endpoint: `Value` ([c40b10c2]
*   add a combinator: `AndThen` ([b81e5689]
*   make the error type of `Endpoint` as an associated type, and add some combinators ([edf02ce6]
*   redefine the trait `NewEndpoint` and change the receiver of `Endpoint::apply()` ([502502c8], breaks [#]
*   switch to multimap ([cf533f97]
*   add responders and set appropriate response headers ([edaa7ce5]

#### Breaking Changes
*   redefine the trait `NewEndpoint` and change the receiver of `Endpoint::apply()` ([502502c8], breaks [#]
*   change the signature of `Endpoint::apply()` ([3a2ea793], breaks [#]

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
## 0.3.0 (2017-08-22)

#### Features
*   add useful endpoints ([90136f74]
*   add `json_body()` ([fd188f03]

#### Bug Fixes

*   change the return future of `Or<E1,E2>` ([48aa0402], breaks [#]
*   fix implementation of `Clone`/`Copy` ([8bbd68cd]
*   add missing derivations and remove some endpoints ([b49ff951]
*   move the location of endpoints ([b151df23], breaks [#]
*   remove 'NewEndpoint' ([2057eee7], breaks [#]
*   change the receiver of 'Endpoint::apply' ([7f0dfd14], breaks [#]

#### Breaking Changes

*   change the return future of `Or<E1, E2>` ([48aa0402], breaks [#]
*   move the location of endpoints ([b151df23], breaks [#]
*   remove `NewEndpoint` ([2057eee7], breaks [#]
*   change the receiver of `Endpoint::apply` ([7f0dfd14], breaks [#]

<a name="0.2.0"></a>
## 0.2.0  (2017-08-21)

#### Features

*   fix signature of TestCase ([10abe4cd]
*   add helper methods ([629e9ab9]

#### Breaking Changes

*   change the return type of 'FromBody::from_body()' ([a73078ac], breaks [#]
*   change definition of Context and Endpoint::apply ([0dbe4aeb], breaks [#]
* **test:**  add TestCase and fix signature of run_test() ([fd6a9aae], breaks [#]

#### Bug Fixes

*   change the return type of 'FromBody::from_body()' ([a73078ac], breaks [#]
*   change definition of Context and Endpoint::apply ([0dbe4aeb], breaks [#]
* **test:**  add TestCase and fix signature of run_test() ([fd6a9aae], breaks [#]

<a name="0.1.2"></a>
### 0.1.2 (2017-08-20)
* update Cargo.toml
* improve documentation comments (#2)

<a name="0.1.1"></a>
### 0.1.1 (2017-08-19)
* fix and crate's description

<a name="0.1.0"></a>
## 0.1.0 (2017-08-19)
* First release