finchers 0.13.5

A combinator library for builidng asynchronous HTTP services
//! Definition of `ApplyError` and supplemental components.

use failure::Fail;
use http::StatusCode;
use std::fmt;

use endpoint::syntax::verb::Verbs;
use error::{Error, HttpError};

/// A type alias of `Result<T, E>` with the error type fixed at `ApplyError`.
pub type ApplyResult<T> = Result<T, ApplyError>;

/// A type representing error values returned from `Endpoint::apply()`.
/// This error type represents the errors around routing determined
/// before executing the `Future` returned from the endpoint.
pub struct ApplyError(ApplyErrorKind);

enum ApplyErrorKind {

impl ApplyError {
    /// Create a value of `ApplyError` with an annotation that
    /// the current endpoint does not match to the provided request.
    pub fn not_matched() -> ApplyError {

    /// Create a value of `ApplyError` with an annotation that
    /// the current endpoint does not matche to the provided HTTP method.
    pub fn method_not_allowed(allowed: Verbs) -> ApplyError {

    /// Create a value of `ApplyError` from the custom error value.
    /// The generated error has the HTTP status code `400 Bad Request`.
    pub fn custom(err: impl Into<Error>) -> ApplyError {

    pub fn merge(self, other: ApplyError) -> ApplyError {
        use self::ApplyErrorKind::*;
        ApplyError(match (self.0, other.0) {
            (Custom(reason), _) => Custom(reason),
            (_, Custom(reason)) => Custom(reason),

            (MethodNotAllowed(allowed1), MethodNotAllowed(allowed2)) => {
                MethodNotAllowed(allowed1 | allowed2)
            (NotMatched, MethodNotAllowed(allowed)) => MethodNotAllowed(allowed),
            (MethodNotAllowed(allowed), NotMatched) => MethodNotAllowed(allowed),

            (NotMatched, NotMatched) => NotMatched,

impl fmt::Display for ApplyError {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        use self::ApplyErrorKind::*;
        match self.0 {
            NotMatched => formatter.write_str("not matched"),
            MethodNotAllowed(..) if !formatter.alternate() => {
                formatter.write_str("method not allowed")
            MethodNotAllowed(allowed) => {
                write!(formatter, "method not allowed (allowed methods: ")?;
                for (i, method) in allowed.into_iter().enumerate() {
                    if i > 0 {
                        formatter.write_str(", ")?;
            Custom(ref err) => fmt::Display::fmt(err, formatter),

impl HttpError for ApplyError {
    fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode {
        use self::ApplyErrorKind::*;
        match self.0 {
            NotMatched => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
            MethodNotAllowed(..) => StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
            Custom(ref err) => err.status_code(),

    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Fail> {
        match self.0 {
            ApplyErrorKind::Custom(ref err) => err.cause(),
            _ => None,

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use http::Method;

    fn test_merge_1() {
        let err1 = ApplyError::not_matched();
        let err2 = ApplyError::not_matched();
        let err = err1.merge(err2);
        assert_matches!(err.0, ApplyErrorKind::NotMatched);

    fn test_merge_2() {
        let err1 = ApplyError::not_matched();
        let err2 = ApplyError::method_not_allowed(Verbs::GET);
            ApplyErrorKind::MethodNotAllowed(allowed) if allowed.contains(&Method::GET)

    fn test_merge_3() {
        let err1 = ApplyError::method_not_allowed(Verbs::GET);
        let err2 = ApplyError::method_not_allowed(Verbs::POST);
            ApplyErrorKind::MethodNotAllowed(allowed) if allowed.contains(&Method::GET) && allowed.contains(&Method::POST)