file_check_macro 0.1.0

A macro for checking the presence of a template file at compile time. E.g. for Tera templates
# file_check_macro

Use this macro to get compile time errors if a template doesn't exist.

The macro in this crate, `generate_template`,  takes a string slice (`&str`). It checks that the file in the string exists on disk in `src`, and generates a `const TEMPLATE:&str = <your string slice;>`. 


Is the same as:
const TEMPLATE:&str = "path/to/my/template.tera";
But with a check that the file exists at:
Note the prepended `src`.

The use case is this:
1. You're generating HTML on the server using, say, Tera.
2. You're a sensible person who knows that files that change together should live together. So you want to store your templates alongside their Rust handlers, not in some separate `templates` tree like some kind of blithering idiot.
3. You love that rusts checks everything, and you hate run-time errors.