fil_actors_runtime_v10 2.0.0

System actors for the Filecoin protocol
// Copyright 2019-2022 ChainSafe Systems
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0, MIT

use cid::Cid;
use fvm_ipld_blockstore::Blockstore;
use fvm_ipld_hamt::Error;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;

use crate::{make_empty_map, make_map_with_root_and_bitwidth, Array, BytesKey, Map};

/// `Multimap` stores multiple values per key in a HAMT of AMTs.
/// The order of insertion of values for each key is retained.
pub struct Multimap<'a, BS>(Map<'a, BS, Cid>, u32);
impl<'a, BS> Multimap<'a, BS>
    BS: Blockstore,
    /// Initializes a new empty `Multimap`.
    /// The `outer_bitwidth` is the width of the HAMT and the
    /// `inner_bitwidth` is the width of the AMTs inside of it.
    pub fn new(bs: &'a BS, outer_bitwidth: u32, inner_bitwidth: u32) -> Self {
        Self(make_empty_map(bs, outer_bitwidth), inner_bitwidth)

    /// Initializes a `Multimap` from a root Cid
    pub fn from_root(
        bs: &'a BS,
        cid: &Cid,
        outer_bitwidth: u32,
        inner_bitwidth: u32,
    ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
            make_map_with_root_and_bitwidth(cid, bs, outer_bitwidth)?,

    /// Retrieve root from the `Multimap`.
    pub fn root(&mut self) -> Result<Cid, Error> {

    /// Adds a value for a key.
    pub fn add<V>(&mut self, key: BytesKey, value: V) -> Result<(), Error>
        V: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
        // Get construct amt from retrieved cid or create new
        let mut arr = self
            .unwrap_or_else(|| Array::new_with_bit_width(, self.1));

        // Set value at next index
        arr.set(arr.count(), value)
            .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!(e))?;

        // flush to get new array root to put in HAMT
        let new_root = arr.flush().map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!(e))?;

        // Set HAMT node to array root
        self.0.set(key, new_root)?;

    /// Gets the Array of value type `V` using the `Multimap` store.
    pub fn get<V>(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<Option<Array<'a, V, BS>>, Error>
        V: DeserializeOwned + Serialize,
        match self.0.get(key)? {
            Some(cid) => Ok(Some(
                Array::load(cid, *|e| anyhow::anyhow!(e))?,
            None => Ok(None),

    /// Removes all values for a key.
    pub fn remove_all(&mut self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // Remove entry from table
            .ok_or("failed to delete from multimap")?;


    /// Iterates through all values in the array at a given key.
    pub fn for_each<F, V>(&self, key: &[u8], f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
        V: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
        F: FnMut(u64, &V) -> anyhow::Result<()>,
        if let Some(amt) = self.get::<V>(key)? {
            amt.for_each(f).map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!(e))?;


    /// Iterates through all arrays in the `Multimap`
    pub fn for_all<F, V>(&self, mut f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
        V: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
        F: FnMut(&BytesKey, &Array<V, BS>) -> anyhow::Result<()>,
        self.0.for_each::<_>(|key, arr_root| {
            let arr = Array::load(arr_root, *;
            f(key, &arr)
