figma-asset-downloader 0.1.2

Small utility to help you download Figma assets directly to your computer.
figma-asset-downloader-0.1.2 is not a library.

Figma Asset Downloader


Small utility to help you download Figma assets directly to your computer

cli demo


It may be very useful to keep the assets of your app/web up to date. Let's say your Design Team puts all the assets in a specific page of a Figma document. This utility would automatically fetch all the images from there and keep your assets folder up to date with the latest resources. Nice, isn't it?


You can compile it yourself:

cargo install figma-asset-downloader

Or you can download an OS specific executable from GitHub releases and add it to your path.

Currently, you can get artifacts for Windows, MacOS & Ubuntu.

Remember that if you need to use it in another OS you can compile it yourself.


You'll need to get a Figma Personal Access Token.

Personal Access Token


The usage is fairly simple:

fad -t <personal-access-token> -f <file-id> -d <document-id>

To get the file-id and the document-id, you have to take a look at the url of the Figma page that you want to download the images from.

You should be seeing something similar to this:

Just get that pieces of information and use them from the command line. Beware that the document-id may be url-encoded. Don't use it like that. Substitute %3A for :.

# should be 321:471

IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the node-id of the page. Don't select any object in your Figma document or this node-id will not correspond to the page but to some of the elements inside it.


By default, all the images will be downloaded at scale 1 and png format inside a folder called downloads.

If you want to change this, you can use any of the other options that this cli provides. Specifically, -s will accept a collection of scales (1,2,3,4...) and -e will allow you to define a collection of exporting format (png, svg, pdf, jpeg).

fad [-t personal-access-token] [-f file-id] [-d document-id] [-p download-folder-name] [-s 1 2 3 4] [-e png svg jpeg pdf] [-c configuration-file]

If you need more help just execute fad -h.

Configuration file

If you don't want to manually provide the arguments all the time you can also use a configuration file.

By default, if you don't pass any parameter and just call fad, it will look for a configuration file called fad.toml in the folder where you're using the tool.

This is an example of a fad.toml file:

personal_access_token = "30277-2c47420f-8d6b-4c6c-b170-2727b8999653"
file_id = "h92QKQ8iOkFlq0q6mA4UhX"
document_id =  "323:471"
path = "downloads"
file_extensions = ["png"]
file_scales = [1,2,3,4]

You can use another name but then you'll have to specify it every time you call fad like this:

fad -c new-fad-config-file-name.toml


NOTE: If you provide any arguments to the cli, they will take precedence. -t, -f, -d are always mandatory if at least any one of them is manually provided.