fiftyonedegrees 0.2.9

A wrapper around the 51Degrees device detection C library.
FROM rust:1.52-buster

WORKDIR /opt/rust

# dummy files so we can compile and build dependencies
RUN mkdir src
RUN echo "fn main(){}" > src/
RUN echo "fn main(){}" > src/

# define dependencies for temporary build
COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.toml
COPY Cargo.lock Cargo.lock

# cache dependency compilation
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cargo/registry/ cargo build --release

# remove dummy files and compilation cache (not dependency cache)
RUN rm -rf src
RUN rm -rf target/release/**/libsrc*

# copy files needed for normal build
COPY device-detection-cxx device-detection-cxx
COPY src src

RUN cargo build --release