fif 0.2.6

A command-line tool for detecting and optionally correcting files with incorrect extensions.
fif-0.2.6 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: fif-0.7.1

fif Minimum Supported Rust Version

A command-line tool for detecting and optionally correcting files with incorrect extensions.


Default backend

cargo install --locked fif

Other backends

fif supports using infer or xdg-mime as its backend for looking up file types. By default, xdg-mime will be used on Linux, and infer on all other systems.

xdg-mime should work on any Unixy system with libmagic/file(1) installed, although I've only tested it on Linux. infer should work on any system.

You can override the default backend for your system at compile time like so:

# xdg-mime
cargo install --features=xdg-mime-backend
# infer
cargo install --features=infer-backend


See fif --help for more.

The basics

The simplest way to use fif looks like this:

fif -E images ~/Pictures

This command will scan all of the files with extensions used by image files (.jpg, .png, etc) in your ~/Pictures directory.

You can also manually specify a set of extensions to use:

fif -e jpeg,jpg,zip,docx ~/Documents

By default, fif will output a bash script that can be used to fix all the files it found with incorrect file extensions. You might find it useful to output this script to a file (rather than to stdout):

fif -E images ~/Pictures >

More coming soon!