fftw3 0.0.2

Bindings to FFTW3: the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. This library aims to expose the full power of FFTW3 in high-performance, safe and idiomatic manner. NB. FFTW3 is licensed GPLv2 (or later) by default, and so applications using it must be distributed under those terms (the license of these bindings is independent).

name = "fftw3"
version = "0.0.2"
authors = [ "Huon Wilson <dbau.pp@gmail.com>" ]

license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["fft", "dsp", "numerics", "mathematics"]

description = """
Bindings to FFTW3: the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. This
library aims to expose the full power of FFTW3 in high-performance,
safe and idiomatic manner. NB. FFTW3 is licensed GPLv2 (or later) by
default, and so applications using it must be distributed under those
terms (the license of these bindings is independent).

repository = "https://github.com/huonw/fftw3-rs/tree/basic"
documentation = "https://huonw.github.io/fftw3-rs/fftw3"

num = "0"
strided = "0"
libc = "0"

rand = "0"

path = "fftw3-sys"
version = "0"