fftw 0.5.0

safe wrapper of FFTW3


Build Status

FFTW binding for Rust

This repository includes three crates:

  • Crate docs.rs fftw: safe wrapper in Rust
  • Crate docs.rs fftw-sys: unsafe wrapper in Rust
  • Crate docs.rs fftw-src: source of FFTW

Feature flags

  • source: download and complie FFTW (defualt)
    • You need curl to download the source, and C-compiler and make to compile FFTW
  • system: use system's libfftw3 (experimental)
    • You must install FFTW to your system before building this crate
  • intel-mkl use Intel MKL backend through intel-mkl-src (experimental)
    • You need curl to download


The codes in this crate are licensed by MIT-License (see LICENSE), and the backends are redistributed under following licenses: