ffp 1.3.0

Program iCE40 FPGAs and SPI flash memories
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::time::Instant;
use clap::{Arg, App, AppSettings, SubCommand};
use clap::{value_t, crate_authors, crate_description, crate_version};
use ffp::{Programmer, Flash, FPGA};

fn main() -> ffp::Result<()> {
    let matches = App::new("ffp fpga/flash programmer")
             .help("Suppress informative output")
             .help("Serial number of FFP device to use")
             .help("Index of FFP device to use")
            .about("Reset, power, and program the FPGA")
                        .about("Reset the FPGA"))
                        .about("Control FPGA power from FFP board")
                             .possible_values(&["on", "off"])
                        .about("Program FPGA with bitstream")
                             .help("File to program to FPGA")
            .about("Read/write flash memory")
                        .about("Read flash ID"))
                        .about("Completely erase flash"))
                        .about("Program flash chip with binary data from file")
                             .help("File to write to flash")
                             .help("Start address (in bytes) to read from")
                             .help("Disable automatic readback verification")
                        .about("Read contents of flash chip to file")
                             .help("File to write with contents of flash")
                             .help("Length (in bytes) to read from flash")
                             .help("Start address (in bytes) to read from")
            .about("Reset FFP hardware into USB bootloader"))
            .about("List available FFP devices"))

    let t0 = Instant::now();
    let context = rusb::Context::new().expect("Error getting rusb context");
    let quiet = matches.is_present("quiet");

    // Special-case devices which does not need a programmer
    if matches.subcommand_name().unwrap() == "devices" {
        let devices = Programmer::get_serials(&context)?;
        match devices.len() {
            0 => println!("No FFP devices found."),
            _ => {
                match devices.len() {
                    1 => println!("1 device found:"),
                    _ => println!("{} devices found:", devices.len()),
                for (idx, serial) in devices.iter().enumerate() {
                    println!("    {}: {}", idx, serial);
        return Ok(());

    let programmer = if matches.is_present("serial") {
        Programmer::by_serial(&context, matches.value_of("serial").unwrap())
    } else if matches.is_present("index") {
        Programmer::by_index(&context, value_t!(matches.value_of("index"), usize).unwrap())
    } else {

    match matches.subcommand_name() {
        Some("fpga") => {
            let fpga = FPGA::new(&programmer);
            let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("fpga").unwrap();
            match matches.subcommand_name() {
                Some("reset") => {
                    if !quiet { println!("Resetting FPGA") };
                Some("power") => {
                    let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("power").unwrap();
                    let arg = matches.value_of("power").unwrap();
                    if arg == "on" {
                        if !quiet { println!("Turning on target power") };
                    } else if arg == "off" {
                        if !quiet { println!("Turning off target power") };
                Some("program") => {
                    if !quiet { println!("Programming FPGA") };
                    let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("program").unwrap();
                    let path = matches.value_of("file").unwrap();
                    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
                    let mut data = Vec::new();
                    file.read_to_end(&mut data)?;
                _ => panic!(),
        Some("flash") => {
            let flash = Flash::new(&programmer);
            let id = flash.read_id().expect("Error reading flash ID");
            if !quiet { println!("Flash ID: {}", id) };
            let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("flash").unwrap();
            match matches.subcommand_name() {
                Some("id") => {
                    if quiet { println!("Flash ID: {}", id) };
                Some("erase") => {
                    if !quiet { println!("Erasing flash") };
                Some("program") => {
                    if !quiet { println!("Programming flash") };
                    let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("program").unwrap();
                    let path = matches.value_of("file").unwrap();
                    let offset = value_t!(matches.value_of("offset"), u32).unwrap();
                    let verify = !matches.is_present("no-verify");
                    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
                    let mut data = Vec::new();
                    file.read_to_end(&mut data)?;
                    flash.program(offset, &data, verify)?;
                Some("read") => {
                    if !quiet { println!("Reading flash to file") };
                    let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("read").unwrap();
                    let path = matches.value_of("file").unwrap();
                    let offset = value_t!(matches.value_of("offset"), u32).unwrap();
                    let length = value_t!(matches.value_of("length"), usize).unwrap();
                    let mut file = File::create(path)?;
                    let data = flash.read(offset, length)?;
                _ => panic!(),
        Some("bootload") => {
            if !quiet { println!("Resetting FFP into bootloader") };
        _ => panic!(),

    let t1 = t0.elapsed();
    if !quiet { println!("Finished in {}.{:02}s", t1.as_secs(), t1.subsec_millis()/10) };
