ffizer 1.7.1

ffizer is a files and folders initializer / generator. It creates or updates any kind (or part) of project from template(s)
# Changelog

<a name="x.y.z-dev" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version x.y.z-dev

### Added
- ✨  allow to use merge tool (as defined in git config) to merge updates
- ✨  support several rules for the update of existing files (ask, override, keep, current-as-local, update-as-remote, show-diff)
- πŸ‘·  try enable kcov+codecov  report on github-actions

### Changed
- πŸ’„  add description of update's option in selector
- 🚨  fix some code practice (thx clippy)
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.3.3 to 0.3.4
- ⬆️  Bump self_update from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
- ⬆️  Bump snafu from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0
- ⬆️  Bump indicatif from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0
- ⬆️  Bump dialoguer from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1
- ⬆️  Bump slog-term from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.101 to 1.0.102
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.64 to 0.2.65
- 🎨  reformat code
- πŸ’„  display &quot;plan to execute&quot; with a tree and lines
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.62 to 0.2.64

### Removed
- πŸ”₯  (cli) remove useless conf

### Fixed
- πŸ›  on error the exit status should be non-zero
- πŸ›  fix url to retrieve the latest version

### Miscellaneous
- pencil  (README) update badge for CI
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.5.2-dev

<a name="1.5.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.5.1

### Changed
- πŸ‘½  cargo-release change the default value of tag-name to include a v :-(

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (ci) missing GITHUB_REPOSITORY on azure-pipeline so the tarball was not build &amp; uploaded

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.5.1
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.5.1-dev

<a name="v1.5.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version v1.5.0

<a name="1.5.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.5.0

### Added
- βœ…  skip the git test if git is not in the path
- πŸ‘·  init github-action

### Changed
- πŸ”§  (test) try to fix setup of git
- πŸ”§  enable feature &quot;cli&quot; by default to work friendly with `cargo install` and  `topgrade`
- ⬆️  update Cargo.lock
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.3.2 to 0.3.3
- ⬆️  Bump hashbrown from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1
- ⬆️  Bump serde_yaml from 0.8.9 to 0.8.11
- ⬆️  Bump openssl from 0.10.24 to 0.10.25
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars_misc_helpers from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.100 to 1.0.101
- 🍱  add an asciicast + update book
- ⬆️  Bump git2 from 0.10.0 to 0.10.1
- ⬆️  Bump self_update from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.99 to 1.0.100
- ⬆️  Bump indicatif from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0
- ⬆️  (ci) upgrade to latest the vmImages used for build
- πŸ”§  (ci) disables the update check during startup of cargo make
- 🚨  remove 1 clone
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1
- ⬆️  Bump git2 from 0.9.2 to 0.10.0
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars_misc_helpers from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2
- πŸ‘½  restore the behavior of `--help`
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0
- πŸ“Œ  `cargo update`
- ⬆️  Bump winapi from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.7.7 to 0.8.0
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.2.18 to 0.3.0
- ⬆️  Bump lazy_static from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
- ⬆️  :lock: Bump spin from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2
- ⬆️  Bump snafu from 0.4.4 to 0.5.0
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.98 to 1.0.99

### Breaking changes
- πŸ’₯  prepare upgrade to structopt 0.3.0

### Removed
- βž–  remove direct dependency to hashbrown

### Fixed
- πŸ’š  (ci) try to fix azure-pipelines by downgrade image vm + disable cache
- ✏️  fix typo in commit-message
- πŸ›  (git) add missing call to disconnect after fetch
- πŸ›  (git) fix the &quot;git pull&quot; to update previously cloned &amp; cached template
- ✏️  fix markdown typo
- πŸ›  try fix the cargo home cache
- ✏️  (README) typo
- πŸ›  move dependencies only for cli

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.5.0
- 🚧  add sub-command èinspectè to provide information about ffizer (cache, configuration)
- βš—  (test) try to please the setup of azure/linux
- πŸ”Š  (test)  add info when test git'script fail
- pencil  (README) move demo to the top
- βš—  (ci) restore installation of rustup on every platform
- pencil  pre-publish update book, changelog, bom
- πŸ“  update screencast (3)
- πŸ“  update screencast (2)
- πŸ“  update screencast
- βš—  (ci) fix rustup is not pre-installed on MacOs image
- βš—  (ci) try a cross platform setup
- βš—  (ci) experiment if rust is preinstalled and powershell on every platform
- βš—  (ci) try setup windows
- βš—  (ci) try bash sript on windows (like allowed from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/scripts/cross-platform-scripting?view=azure-devops&amp;tabs=yaml#consider-bash-or-pwsh (3)
- βš—  (ci) :alembic: (ci) try bash sript on windows (like allowed from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/scripts/cross-platform-scripting?view=azure-devops&amp;tabs=yaml#consider-bash-or-pwsh (2)
- βš—  (ci) try bash sript on windows (like allowed from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/scripts/cross-platform-scripting?view=azure-devops&amp;tabs=yaml#consider-bash-or-pwsh
- βš—  (ci) try conditional install of cargo-make (3)
- βš—  (ci) try conditional install of cargo-make (2)
- βš—  (ci) try conditional install of cargo-make
- βš—  (ci) try setup cargo cache
- βš—  (ci) try to fix path issue with cargo and cache
- typo  update label of Azure Task
- βš—  try to enable cache for cargo on CI
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.4.1-dev

<a name="1.4.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.4.0

### Changed
- 🚸  display &quot;plan to execute&quot; in as a colorized table (more readable)
- πŸ”§  change the way to commit update of doc (env is set after dependencies task)

### Fixed
- πŸ›  restore the behavior to use the remote_path ignoring subfolder when retrieve git repo

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.4.0
- πŸ”Š  add more info on handlebars error
- πŸ“  pre-publish update book, changelog, bom
- πŸ”Š  add log, refactor call, use log for Err in main
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.3.2-dev

<a name="1.3.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.3.1

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.61 to 0.2.62

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (README) fix instruction for installation via cargo.

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.3.1
- πŸ“¦  to generate archive without &quot;./&quot; as prefix (to workaround an issue in self_update)
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.3.1-dev

<a name="1.3.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.3.0

### Added
- ✨  add support of select (combobox) for variable's value
- ✨  (variables) allow variable to be hidden

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump directories from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2
- πŸ‘½  update code to match change in self_update
- ⬆️  Bump self_update from 0.5.1 to 0.6.0
- ⬆️  Bump hashbrown from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.60 to 0.2.61
- 🚨  (clippy) apply some suggestion
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars_misc_helpers from 0.3.0 to 0.5.0
- ⬆️  Bump snafu from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
- ⬆️  Bump test-generator from 0.2.2 to 0.3.0
- ⬆️  Bump git2 from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2
- ⬆️  Bump slog from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.1.9 to 1.2.0
- ⬆️  Bump openssl from 0.10.23 to 0.10.24

### Breaking changes
- πŸ’₯  change error handling, move from `failure` to  `std::error::Error` and `snafu`

### Fixed
- ✏️  README fix syntax to be readable by crates.io

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.3.0
- πŸ“  (book) update
- πŸ“  (CHANGELOG) update
- πŸ“  (README) rework the features section
- πŸ“  (crates) update categories
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.2.1-dev

<a name="1.2.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.2.0

### Added
- ✨  allow template content to be into a subfolder `template` #79
- βž•  use hashbrown (like handlebars) to replace std BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet

### Changed
- ♻️  use handlebars helpers externalized into handlebars_misc_helpers
- ♻️  move handlebars/hbs into a module folder and split into submodules
- 🚨  remove unused code
- πŸ”§  limit dependencies only used by cli
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.59 to 0.2.60
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.94 to 1.0.97
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
- ⬆️  Bump slog from 2.4.1 to 2.5.1
- ⬆️  Bump slog-term from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1

### Fixed
- πŸ›  adjust version of dependencies to existing value
- ✏️  fix typo in badge

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.2.0
- πŸ“  update book
- πŸ“  README update list of templates
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.1.1-dev

<a name="1.1.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.1.0

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump git2 from 0.8.0 to 0.9.1 &amp; git2_credentials from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.58 to 0.2.59
- ⬆️  :lock: Bump libflate from 0.1.21 to 0.1.25
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.1.7 to 1.1.8
- ⬆️  :lock: Bump smallvec from 0.6.9 to 0.6.10
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars from 2.0.0-beta.3 to 2.0.0
- ⬆️  Bump tempfile from 3.0.9 to 3.1.0
- ⬆️  Bump tempfile from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.93 to 1.0.94
- ⬆️  Bump globset from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.2.17 to 0.2.18
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars from 2.0.0-beta.2 to 2.0.0-beta.3
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7
- ⬆️  Bump walkdir from 2.2.7 to 2.2.8
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.17 to 0.9.18
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.2.16 to 0.2.17
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.55 to 0.2.58
- ⬆️  Bump directories from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.2.15 to 0.2.16
- ⬆️  Bump directories from 1.0.2 to 2.0.0
- ⬆️  Bump tempfile from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8
- ⬆️  Bump openssl from 0.10.22 to 0.10.23
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.54 to 0.2.55
- ⬆️  Bump dialoguer from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.16 to 0.9.17
- ⬆️  Bump openssl from 0.10.21 to 0.10.22

### Fixed
- πŸ›  fix Cargo warning about exclude

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.1.0
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.0.1-dev

<a name="1.0.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 1.0.0

### Added
- βž•  use git2_credentials (extract of existing code)
- βœ…  (ci) enable test_remote on ci build

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.90 to 1.0.91
- ⬆️  Bump git2_credentials from 0.1.1 to 0.2.0
- ⬆️  Bump openssl from 0.10.20 to 0.10.21
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.15 to 0.9.16
- ⬆️  Bump serde_yaml from 0.8.8 to 0.8.9
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.53 to 0.2.54
- ⬆️  Bump libc from 0.2.51 to 0.2.53
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6
- ⬆️  Bump globset from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.14 to 0.9.15
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.13 to 0.9.14
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars from 2.0.0-beta.1 to 2.0.0-beta.2
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.89 to 1.0.90
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.12 to 0.9.13
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.1.2 to 1.1.5

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 1.0.0
- 🚧  (build) prepare 1.0.0
- πŸ“  (README) update build instruction
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.12.2-dev

<a name="0.12.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.12.1

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump assert_cmd from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1

### Removed
- πŸ”‡  remove xdb! call
- πŸ”₯  (ci) remove travis configuration
- πŸ”‡  (ci) remove verbose mode during github-upload-flow

### Fixed
- ✏️  fix typo in log
- πŸ›  report error (instead of crash) when error during computation of rendered path
- πŸ›  fix the folder use to clone when subfolder is defined (cause by refactor)

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.12.1
- πŸ“  (docs) add information about template_configuration
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.12.1-dev

<a name="0.12.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.12.0

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.11 to 0.9.12

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (git) fix authentication via ssh, https

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.12.0
- πŸ“  (CHANGELOG) update
- βš—  (ci) update github-upload task to not failed on error during release creation
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.11.4-dev

<a name="0.11.3" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.11.3

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (git) remove folder if error during git retieve

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.11.3
- βš—  (ci) try fix for github-upload
- πŸ“  update changelog
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.11.3-dev

<a name="0.11.2" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.11.2

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (ci) try to fix github-upload-flow

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.11.2
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.11.2-dev

<a name="0.11.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.11.1

### Added
- ✨  (hbs) add helper env_var
- ✨  default_value can be composed of previously defined value

### Changed
- ⬆️  (build) update cargo.lock
- πŸ”§  (ci) try to fix upload of asset on github (for windows, mac, linux)
- ⬆️  Bump handlebars from 1.1.0 to 2.0.0-beta.1
- ♻️  (git) try to git pull instead of rm + clone on already cached (cloned) template
- πŸ”§  (cargo) tried to decrease size of executable
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.2.14 to 0.2.15

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (test) fix test about env_var
- πŸ›  path_helpers canonicalize existing path
- πŸ›  (test) fix warning
- πŸ›  try to static link openssl
- πŸ›  fix the download of git repository

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.11.1
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.11.0
- πŸ“  (ci) add info
- βš—  (build) fix syntax error in Makefile.toml
- βš—  (build) try to use github-release to upload dist
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.10.3-dev

<a name="0.10.2" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.10.2

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.10 to 0.9.11

### Removed
- πŸ”₯  (cirrus) remove upload script

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.10.2
- βš—  (travis) try named cache to optimize
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.10.2-dev

<a name="0.10.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.10.1

### Added
- πŸ‘·  (azure) set up CI with Azure Pipelines

### Changed
- πŸ”§  (make) use profile and platform
- πŸ”§  (make) move upload to github as part of make
- πŸ”§  (azure) add deploy to github + fix variables
- πŸ”§  (cirrus) fix osx script
- πŸ”§  (cirrus) fix syntax
- πŸ”§  (publish) diseable changelog update during publication
- πŸ”§  (travis) try to workaround the timeout (on windows)
- πŸ”§  (cirrus) try a windows &amp; osx setup

### Removed
- πŸ”₯  (cirrus) remove cirrus-ci configuration

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (azure) profile injection cross platform
- πŸ›  (azure) fix typo in profile injection
- πŸ›  (azure) try to fix syntax
- πŸ›  (make) fix typo in tasks.zip-release-binary-for-target
- πŸ›  (make) fix syntax error into windows path
- πŸ›  (windows) try to fix the packaging
- ✏️  (README) syntax error
- πŸ›  (travis) always build the zip to not fail during release

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.10.1
- 🚧  (cirrus) disable codecov on cirrus
- πŸ“¦  (make) use &quot;cargo release&quot; for publish-flow
- πŸ“  add a CHANGELOG.md
- πŸ“¦  (cargo) update lock
- 🚧  (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.10.1-dev

<a name="0.10.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.10.0

### Added
- πŸ‘·  (travis) increase cache timeout (try to fix for windows)
- πŸ‘·  (cirrus) try to setup codecov
- πŸ‘·  (cirrus) add missing install of cargo-make (2)
- πŸ‘·  (cirrus) add missing install of cargo-make
- πŸ‘·  (travis, cirrus, make) setup cargo-make
- πŸ‘·  (cirrus) trigger and enable release mode
- πŸ‘·  start experiment with cirrus-ci
- βœ…  (e2e) add a basic test about import
- ✨  (imports) allow to use ffizer_src_uri and ffizer_src_rev into imports
- ✨  (fileext) remove extention .ffizer.raw (and keep it)
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to re-enable the cache
- πŸ‘·  (travis) disable cargo install-update -a
- ✨  (imports) allow template to be composed by other template
- πŸ‘·  increase timeout when builing on travis

### Changed
- 🎨  use Upper Case for lazy static ref
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.88 to 1.0.89
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2
- ⬆️  Bump lazy_static from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0
- 🎨  (tests) automate test from local directories
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.9 to 0.9.10
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.87 to 1.0.88
- ⬆️  Bump tempfile from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7
- 🎨  (render) introduce a TransformValues trait - use it to delegate its impl to each type
- ⬆️  Bump assert_cmd from 0.10.2 to 0.11.0
- ⬆️  Bump tempfile from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.86 to 1.0.87
- 🎨  change the way to import serde &amp; serde_derive
- πŸ“Œ  update locked dependencies
- 🎨  apply clippy suggestions
- 🎨  reformat
- 🎨  refactor source definition into SourceLoc (SourceLoc can be used from cli or cfg)
- 🎨  (cfg) remove crappy ignores_str, by using a PathPattern
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.8 to 0.9.9
- ⬆️  Bump serde_derive from 1.0.84 to 1.0.85
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.84 to 1.0.85
- ⬆️  Bump Inflector from 0.11.3 to 0.11.4
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.7.3 to 0.7.5
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3
- ⬆️  Bump reqwest from 0.9.5 to 0.9.8
- ⬆️  Bump self_update from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1
- ⬆️  Bump failure from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5
- ⬆️  Bump serde_derive from 1.0.83 to 1.0.84
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.83 to 1.0.84
- 🎨  remove useless 'extern crate' with rust edition 2018
- 🎨  refactor cli opts and sub command
- ⬆️  Bump failure from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.82 to 1.0.83
- ⬆️  Bump serde_derive from 1.0.82 to 1.0.83
- ⬆️  Bump indicatif from 0.10.3 to 0.11.0
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2

### Removed
- πŸ”‡  (scripts) remove trace when run getLatest.sh

### Fixed
- πŸ›  fix getLatest.sh for linux
- πŸ›  remove .unwrap() inside main code
- πŸ›  (e2e) ignore diff between \r\n and \n
- ✏️  (README) fix typo
- πŸ›  (travis) fix syntax error

### Miscellaneous
- πŸš€  (cargo-release) version 0.10.0
- πŸ“¦  set the right version (0.10.0 not yet release)
- πŸ“  (README) add codecov badge
- πŸ“¦  try cargo-release
- πŸ“  (README) update features checkbox
- πŸ“¦  prepare release
- πŸ“¦  (scripts) to download the latest binary
- πŸ“¦  repo for sample renamed
- πŸ“  (README) complete homebrew instruction
- πŸ“¦  (brew) move homebrew stuff to homebrew-ffizer repo
- πŸ“¦  transfert repo ownership from davidB to ffizer
- πŸ“¦  (homebrew) experiment to deploy a formulae
- πŸ“  (README) update link to book
- πŸš€  deploying docs manually (no ci)
- πŸ“  (book) move part of content of README into book

<a name="0.9.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.9.0

### Changed
- 🎨  apply clippy suggestion
- ⬆️  Bump git2 from 0.7.5 to 0.8.0
- ⬆️  Bump serde_derive from 1.0.81 to 1.0.82
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.81 to 1.0.82
- ⬆️  Bump structopt from 0.2.13 to 0.2.14
- ⬆️  Bump serde_derive from 1.0.80 to 1.0.81
- ⬆️  Bump serde from 1.0.80 to 1.0.81

### Breaking changes
- πŸ’₯  cli change to support subcommand (apply &amp; upgrade)

<a name="0.8.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.8.0

### Changed
- ⬆️  move to rust edition 2018
- 🚸  (cli) use human_panic...

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release

<a name="0.7.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.7.1

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump regex from 1.0.6 to 1.1.0
- ⬆️  Bump indicatif from 0.10.2 to 0.10.3
- ⬆️  Bump indicatif from 0.10.1 to 0.10.2
- ⬆️  Bump console from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1
- ⬆️  upgrade dependencies

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release
- πŸ“  (README) add a template to the list

<a name="0.7.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.7.0

### Added
- ✨  (cfg) can use handlebars into ignores'entry and default_value in ffizer.yaml
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to fix random timeout on windows (6)
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to fix random timeout on windows (5)
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to fix random timeout on windows (4)
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to fix random timeout on windows (3)
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to fix random timeout on windows (2)
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to fix random timeout on windows
- ✨  (render) add helper to transform path

### Changed
- 🎨  (e2e) compare content of file as string (vs vec[u8]) to ease debug
- 🎨  (e2e) capture stderr &amp; stdout
- ⬆️  Bump tempfile from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5
- ⬆️  Bump indicatif from 0.9.0 to 0.10.1

### Fixed
- ✏️  (README) fixing typo

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release
- 🚧  (cfg) allow to use handlebars and cli info into part of ffizer.yml
- πŸ“  (README) how to chain helpers
- πŸ“  (README) fix syntax
- πŸ“¦  (cargo) try to exclude tests

<a name="0.6.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.6.0

### Added
- ✨  (render) add helper to do http request and a preconfigured to request gitignore.io
- ✨  #6 (render) add helper to transform string

### Changed
- πŸ”§  (e2e) disable remote test by default

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release

<a name="0.5.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.5.0

### Changed
- 🚸  (cli) clean display to user (happy path only)
- ⬆️  Bump dialoguer from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“  (README) update doc (help, usage,...)

<a name="0.4.2" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.4.2

### Added
- ✨  (cli) add support of source subfolder

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump assert_cmd from 0.10.1 to 0.10.2

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  (release) customize release profile
- πŸ“  (README) update features list (states &amp; planned)

<a name="0.4.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.4.1

### Added
- ✨  (cli) add --rev to specify the git revision

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (git) do not remove existing cache before success clone

<a name="0.4.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.4.0

### Added
- πŸ‘·  (travis) remove build for i686
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to fix compilation on i686
- ✨  (cli) add offline mode
- ✨  (source) accept remote git repository as source for template

### Changed
- 🎨  (git) comment unused code
- ♻️  move Uri into SourceUri
- 🎨  prepare for rust edition 2018
- 🎨  (e2e) test the executable via cli
- ⬆️  Bump dialoguer from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (windows) try to fix bug when git clone
- πŸ›  detection of file to &quot;Ignores&quot; is done during the scan
- πŸ›  fix a bug when compare 2 files (one with .ffizer.hbs and one without)
- πŸ›  fix due to change in api of dialoguer
- πŸ›  fix file order priority

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release
- πŸ“¦  (cargo) clean travis info
- πŸ“„  (LICENSE) list dependencies and licenses in CREDITS
- πŸ“¦  (travis) store note for future check
- πŸ“  (README) remade the TOC
- 🚧  prepare to support several form of template uri

<a name="0.3.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.3.0

### Added
- ✨  (cli) add experimental flags to always accept default value for variables
- ✨  (cli) add flags to control confirmation (always, never, auto)
- ✨  (cfg) allow to ignore (glob) file and directy
- βœ…  (e2e) add 2 tests to show every features (need some improvement)

### Changed
- ⬆️  Bump walkdir from 2.2.6 to 2.2.7
- ♻️  (cli) move Cmd into Ctx.cmd_opt: CmdOpt

### Fixed
- πŸ›  fixe processing order of files
- πŸ›  (render) use the rendered path for *.ffizer.hbs
- πŸ›  (render) enable strict mode and log variables to help debug template
- ✏️  (README) fix title level
- πŸ›  (travis) β€˜cargo publish’ doesn’t work on windows

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release
- πŸ“  (README) add TOC

<a name="0.2.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.2.1

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (cargo) expected at most 5 keywords per crate

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release
- πŸ“  (README) update badges
- πŸ“  (README) update install instruction
- πŸ“¦  (travis) generate archive without target path

<a name="0.2.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.2.0

### Added
- ✨  (render) file name and folder name could be rendered
- πŸ‘·  (appveyor) remove appveyor as CI
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try a workaround to deploy windows (2)

### Changed
- ♻️  (error) use failure to manage the error

### Fixed
- ✏️  (README) wrong project name, reformulate

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  prepare release
- 🚧  (render) basic implementation to support *.ffizer.hbs
- 🚧  read a configuration file (.ffizer.yaml) from the template folder

<a name="0.1.2" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.1.2

### Added
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try a workaround to deploy windows (3)
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try a workaround to deploy windows (2)

<a name="0.1.1" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.1.1

### Added
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try a workaround to deploy windows
- πŸ‘·  (travis) fix the api_key

<a name="0.1.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.1.0

### Added
- πŸ‘·  (travis) try to add windows support
- ✨  (cli) ask confirmation before apply plan
- ✨  copy dir and files from template and base for next step (cause it’s not KISS).
- πŸ‘·  fix os specific setup
- βœ…  initialize testing
- πŸ‘·  bootstrap conf for travis and appveyor
- ✨  (main) setup of log + cli arguments read
- πŸŽ‰  init

### Changed
- πŸ’„  (cli) add a progress bar for the execution (experimental)
- 🚸  (cli) complete description
- 🎨  (main) main is a wrapper for the lib
- 🚚  rename project from fgen to ffizer fgen already exists

### Fixed
- πŸ›  (README) fix appveyor badge
- πŸ›  (cli) use flags instead of args, correct description

### Miscellaneous
- πŸ“¦  (cargo) prepare info for publishing
- πŸ“  (README) udapte
- 🚧  (cli) confirm plan before execute
- 🚧  ordering action by path
- πŸ“  (README) add badges for travis, status, license
- πŸ“„  add license CC0-1.0
- 🚧  (copy mode) bootstrap the code for plan &amp; execute + scan src
- πŸ“  (README) add help of the cli, and sub-features
- πŸ“  (README) update alternatives list
- πŸ“  (README) fix format
- πŸ“  (README) ideas &quot;en vrac&quot;
- πŸ“  (README) add ideas, motivations, alternatives,...

_Generated by [gitmoji-changelog (rust version)](https://github.com/fabienjuif/gitmoji-changelog-rust)_