fera-graph 0.1.1

Graph data structures and algorithms.
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//! Union-find ([disjoint-set]) data structure.
//! [disjoint-set]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure
use prelude::*;
use params::{Owned, ParamDerefMut};

use fera_fun::first;
use fera_unionfind::UnionFind as InnerUnionFind;

// FIXME: only union and reset should need &mut self

pub struct UnionFind<G: Graph> {
    inner: InnerUnionFind<
        DefaultVertexPropMut<G, Vertex<G>>,
        DefaultVertexPropMut<G, usize>,

impl<G: Graph> UnionFind<G> {
    pub fn union(&mut self, u: Vertex<G>, v: Vertex<G>) {
        self.inner.union(u, v)

    pub fn in_same_set(&mut self, u: Vertex<G>, v: Vertex<G>) -> bool {
        self.inner.in_same_set(u, v)

    pub fn find_set(&mut self, v: Vertex<G>) -> Vertex<G> {

    pub fn num_sets(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn reset(&mut self, g: &G) {
        for v in g.vertices() {

pub trait WithUnionFind: Graph {
    fn new_unionfind(&self) -> UnionFind<Self> {
        // FIXME: do not work with null graphs
        let v = first(self.vertices());
        let mut parent = self.default_vertex_prop(v);
        for v in self.vertices() {
            parent[v] = v;
        UnionFind {
            inner: InnerUnionFind::with_parent_rank_num_sets(

impl<G: Graph> WithUnionFind for G {}

pub struct NewUnionFind<'a, G: 'a>(pub &'a G);

impl<'a, G: 'a + WithUnionFind> ParamDerefMut for NewUnionFind<'a, G> {
    type Target = UnionFind<G>;
    type Output = Owned<UnionFind<G>>;

    fn build(self) -> Self::Output {

mod tests {
    use super::{UnionFind, WithUnionFind};
    use prelude::*;
    use fera_fun::vec;

    fn check_groups(
        ds: &mut UnionFind<StaticGraph>,
        num_sets: usize,
        groups: &[&[Vertex<StaticGraph>]],
    ) {
        assert_eq!(num_sets, ds.num_sets());
        for group in groups {
            for &a in *group {
                assert!(ds.in_same_set(group[0], a));

    fn unionfind() {
        let g: StaticGraph = graph!(5);
        let v = vec(g.vertices());
        let mut ds = g.new_unionfind();
        assert_eq!(5, ds.num_sets());
        ds.union(v[0], v[2]);
        check_groups(&mut ds, 4, &[&[v[0], v[2]]]);
        ds.union(v[1], v[3]);
        check_groups(&mut ds, 3, &[&[v[0], v[2]], &[v[1], v[3]]]);
        ds.union(v[2], v[4]);
        check_groups(&mut ds, 2, &[&[v[0], v[2], v[4]], &[v[1], v[3]]]);
        ds.union(v[3], v[4]);
        check_groups(&mut ds, 1, &[&[v[0], v[2], v[4], v[1], v[3]]]);