$$ \gdef\pd#1#2{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}} \gdef\d#1{\, \mathrm{d}#1} \gdef\dx{\d{x}} \gdef\tr#1{\operatorname{tr} (#1)} $$ $$ \gdef\norm#1{\left \lVert #1 \right\rVert} \gdef\seminorm#1{| #1 |} $$ $$ \gdef\vec#1{\mathbf{\boldsymbol{#1}}} \gdef\dvec#1{\bar{\vec #1}} $$

Module fenris::assembly

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Finite element assembly functionality.

Assembly in the context of the FEM generally means turning equations into vectors and matrices.

fenris distinguishes between local and global assembly. Local assembly refers to the act of assembling (small) vectors and matrices associated with a single finite element, whereas global assembly refers to the machinery that is responsible for adding the local contributions from each element to the global vector or matrix.

TODO: The documentation here should probably be split up and placed in different locations

TODO: Here we should probably just write a more concise set of formulas for the local/global assembly distinction (see below) and leave the detailed elliptic stuff for a different module.

TODO: Document more


TODO: Explain what “operator” means in this context

TODO: Explain notation, and how we need something that is consistent across all dimensions (thereby ruling out using the typical notation used in continuum mechanics)

Elliptic operators

The prototypical elliptic PDE is Laplace’s equation $$ - \Delta u = 0, $$ whose weak form (assuming homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions) reads $$ \int_{\Omega} \nabla u \cdot \nabla v \enspace \mathrm{d} x = 0 \qquad \forall v \in V. $$

It turns out that a broad range of PDEs incorporate a term which has some conceptual similarities to the left-hand side of the above weak form. In particular, we introduce the operator $g: \mathbb{R}^{d \times s} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d \times s}$ and consider the generalization $$ - \nabla \cdot g (\nabla u) = 0. $$ The above equation describes a vector-valued PDE in $d$ dimensions. That is, at every point $x \in \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d$, we associate the $s$-dimensional vector $u(x) \in \mathbb{R}^s$. With some effort, we can show that the corresponding weak form is $$ \int_{\Omega} g : \nabla v \enspace \mathrm{d} x - \int_{\partial \Omega} (g^T n) \cdot v \enspace \mathrm{d} x = 0 \qquad \forall v \in V,$$ where $\partial \Omega$ is the boundary of the domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ and $n : \partial \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d$ denotes the outwards-facing normal vector. The utility of this formulation is that we can write code for assembling the vectors and matrices associated with these terms for a very general operator $g$ and re-use it across a wide range of problems simply by replacing $g$ with an appropriate application-specific definition. For example, for $s = 1$ we see that we can recover Laplace’s equation by defining $g (\nabla u) = \nabla u$.

Discrete quantities

Discrete matrices and vectors are obtained by substituting $u$ with the finite element interpolation $u_h$ and $v$ with concrete (vector-valued) basis functions. In this context, the FEM interpolation is given by

$$ u_h = \sum_I u_I \phi_I, $$
where $\phi_I: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ denotes the basis function associated with node $I$ and $u_I \in \mathbb{R}^s$ is its accompanying weight. For $s > 1$, we have here implicitly assumed that we may use the same basis function in each dimension, which while not applicable to all problems, is a reasonable assumption for the kind of problems `fenris` was designed for. The gradient $\nabla u_h$ becomes
$$ \nabla u_h = \sum_I \nabla \phi_I \otimes u_I, $$
where $\otimes$ denotes the outer product. For $i = 1, \dots, s$ we obtain for node $I$ the $i$th component associated with the vector quantity associated with node $I$ of the weak form. For example, the expression
$$ \int_{\Omega} g : \nabla v \enspace \mathrm{d} x $$
becomes the global vector $\hat{g}$, whose entry $\hat{g}_{Ii}$ associated with the $i$th component of the $I$th node is given by inserting $u = u_h$ and $v = \phi_I e_i$ where $e_i$ is the unit basis vector $(0, \dots, 1, \dots, 0)$ consisting of zeroes except for the $i$th entry which is one. We obtain:
$$ \hat g_{Ii} := \int_{\Omega} g(\nabla u_h) : \nabla (\phi_I e_i) \enspace \mathrm{d} x = \int_{\Omega} (g_h^T \nabla \phi_I)_i \enspace \mathrm{d} x, $$

where we have defined $g_h := g(\nabla u_h)$. More conveniently, we associate with each node $I$ a (small) $s$-dimensional vector $\hat g_I \in \mathbb{R}^s$:

$$ \hat g_I := \int_{\Omega} g_h^T \; \nabla \phi_I \enspace \mathrm{d} x. $$

Since the above quantity depends on $u_h$, it depends on the nodal values $u_I$. In general, we have that $\hat g_I = \hat g_I(u_1, \dots, u_N)$ where $N$ is the number of nodes. We let $\hat u := (u_1, \dots, u_N)$ denote the concatenation of all nodal solution variables, so that the vector $\hat g = \hat g(\hat u) = (\hat g_1, \dots, \hat g_N)$ is dependent on the solution variables associated with each individual node.

In order to assemble the global vector $\hat g$, we see that each vector $\hat g_I$ is a sum of contributions for each element $K$ on which the basis function $\phi_I$ is supported:

$$ \hat g_I = \sum_K \int_{K} g_h^T \; \nabla \phi_I \enspace \mathrm{d} x = \sum_K \hat g_I^K.$$

As a result, the global vector $\hat g$ can also be decomposed into a sum of element-wise contributions. Since only a small number of basis functions are supported on each element, most entries in these element-wise contributions are zero. The non-zero contributions form the local vector associated with the element. Specifically, given an element $K$ consisting of nodes $[3, 1, 5, 2]$, we define $\hat g^K = (\hat g_3^K, \hat g_1^K, \hat g_5^K, \hat g_2^K)$ to be the local contribution associated with element $K$. The relationship between $\hat g$ and the local contributions $\hat g^K$ is then given by the abstract expression

$$ \hat g = \sum_K R_K^T \hat g^K. $$

The operator $R_K: \mathbb{R}^{s N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{s N_K}$ simply “gathers” the local entries associated with an element from a vector of global entries. For example, $R_K \hat u$ gathers the entries of $\hat u$ that are associated with the element $K$ into a small vector with $s N_K$ entries, where $N_K$ is the number of nodes associated with the element. As a result, the transpose $R_K^T$ scatters the local vector into the global vector. Hence, $R_K^T$ scatters the local contributions $\hat g^K$ into the global vector $\hat g$.

The distinction between local and assembly for vectors can now be made precise:

  • Local assembly is concerned with the construction of $\hat g^K$ for an element $K$.
  • Global assembly is concerned with scattering the local vector $\hat g^K$ into the global vector $\hat g$.

Discrete matrix quantities

Usually we will also need derivatives of (non-linear) vector quantities. For example, when solving a non-linear problem involving $\hat g$ with Newton’s method, we need to be able to compute the Jacobian of $\hat g$. We obtain

$$ \frac{\partial \hat g}{\partial \hat u} = \sum_K R_K^T \frac{\partial \hat g^K}{\partial \hat u^K} R_K. $$

The quantity $\frac{\partial \hat g^K}{\partial \hat u^K}$ is a $sN_K \times sN_K$ matrix, and in the context of our $g$ operator, it represents the element stiffness matrix for element $K$. As before, assembling these local matrix contributions constitute the local assembly, whereas storing the result in the global matrix constitutes the global assembly.

For our general elliptic operator $g$, we next determine an expression for the associated element stiffness matrix. To ease notation, we write $G = \nabla u$ and $G_h = \nabla u_h$. We note that

$$ \frac{\partial G_h}{\partial u_J} = \sum_j \nabla \phi_J \otimes e_j \otimes e_j.$$

The derivative $\pd{\hat g^K}{\hat u^K}$ can be expressed in terms of the individual $s \times s$ blocks that correspond to individual pairs of basis functions $I$ and $J$. With some labor, we find (using Einstein summation notation)

$$ \pd{\hat g^K_I}{u_J^K} = \int_K \pd{\phi_I}{x_k} \pd{g_{ki}}{G_{mj}} \pd{\phi_J}{x_m} e_i \otimes e_j \dx = \int_K \mathcal{C}_g(\nabla \phi_I, \nabla \phi_J) \dx, $$

where the contraction operator $\mathcal{C}_g: \mathbb{R}^d \times \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{s \times s}$ defined by

$$ \mathcal{C}_{g} (a, b) := a_k \pd{g_{ki}}{G_{mj}} b_m \enspace e_i \otimes e_j $$

encodes the derivative information of $g$ independent of FE basis functions. This is a convenient interface, because the full tensor derivative of $g$ may be sparse, so computing all entries might lead to redundant computation, whereas allowing an implementation of an operator $g$ to directly compute the contraction allows it to use a more efficient internal expression for the contraction. By further providing the operator with several vectors to be evaluated at once, shared computations can be amortized.

TODO: Document symmetry assumptions (actually we should encode this in our type system)

TODO: Extend elliptic operators to have a dependency on the domain, e.g. $g = g(x, \nabla u)$.
