felfel 0.1.0

A Rust library and CLI tool for Farsi compound noun generation.


A Rust library and CLI tool for Farsi compound noun generation.

This is a little piece of code that generates a compound names in Farsi. Useful for naming things or anonymous visitors, or perhaps just for fun.


felfel is available both as a library as well as a little CLI tool.

Use as a CLI tool

// Install it
$ cargo install felfel

// Use it in command line
$ felfel --> hopefully will make you smile

Use as a library

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

felfel = 0.1 

Then invoke the gen function:

use felfel;

fn main() {

Use as a WebAssembly package

felfel is compiled to Wasm and published to npm as a JavaScript package:

// Add it to your program
$ npm install felfel

// Use it
import * as felfel from "felfel";


felfel is distributed under MIT license.