fe_session 0.5.0

Provides local session storage for Iron.
# Overview

This crate provides a session object for applications developed in Iron.  This session object
is an object implemented by your application and is associated with a single HTTP client.
All requests from this HTTP client will have access to this object.  The session object is
destroyed after a configurable amount of idle time.  So if no requests from a client come in
for 30 minutes the session is destroyed and the memory is reclaimed.

# Examples

use std::fmt::Write;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use iron::{Iron, Chain, Request, Response};
use iron::status::Status;
use fe_session::{FeSessionStorage, FeSession, FeConnection, FeSessionRequest, FeSessionState};

let mut chain = Chain::new(|req : &mut Request| {
    let mut session = req.get_session::<usize>();
    let mut result  = String::new();

    match session.state() {
        FeSessionState::Expired => { // Old session expired, create a new one.
            req.create_session(0 as usize);
            write!(result, "{}", 0).unwrap();
        FeSessionState::None => { // No session, create a new one.
           req.create_session(0 as usize);
           write!(result, "{}", 0).unwrap();
        FeSessionState::Active => { // Active session, increment the count.
            let mut count = session.get();

            *count += 1;
            write!(result, "{}", *count).unwrap();
    Ok(Response::with((Status::Ok, result)))


let mut iron = Iron::new(chain).http(("localhost", 3000)).unwrap();

let mut conn1 = FeConnection::new("localhost", 3000);
let mut conn2 = FeConnection::new("localhost", 3000);

assert_eq!(conn1.get_string("/"), "0");
assert_eq!(conn2.get_string("/"), "0");
assert_eq!(conn1.get_string("/"), "1");
assert_eq!(conn1.get_string("/"), "2");
assert_eq!(conn2.get_string("/"), "1");
